Questions & Mysteries What Do You miss the Most about Pre Timeskip?

Other than the sense of adventure that most people have given answers about:

- Efficient storytelling. Only give the most spotlight to the most important thing, make the most important moment counts. No more climbing the stairs and Luffy fighting fodders for 10++ chapters, no more Bajrang Gun for 3 chapters lol.

- Heartfelt story. Luffy destroying Raigou, ringing the golden bell, call the old man to tell that "WE ARE HERE", and the old man's response, is such an exchange full of feelings.

- the feeling of earning powers and learning in combat instead of given a chosen one status. The feeling of payoff after build-up.

- natural and organic flow of story. In post timeskip, almost every big reveal feels either forced and come outta nowhere, or just wasted away.


Interactions, character development and proper fights.

If we take pre-timeskip

Whole crew had a good fight in Orange Town, Syrup Village, Baratie, Arlong Park. I'm considering Nami only truly joined after her arc. Alabasta.

Skypea I think Nami and Usopp are the only ones not getting a fight.

Ennies Lobby best arc ever.

Thriller Bark I think Nami, Robin and Franky didn't had their fight but almost all of them were teamfighting Oars.

If we take post-timeskip

Fishmand Island only Luffy had a proper fight.

Punk Hazard only Luffy again.

Dressrosa we have Luffy, Zoro, Brook and Franky. Usopp didn't had his fight, Robin didn't had. Sanji, Nami and Chopper left to Zou.

WCI only Luffy had his fight.

Wano Usopp, Brook and Chopper didn't had their fight.

So post timeskip only 2 arcs most of the crew had their fight.

Gorosei Informer

The humility, sincerity, simplicity and thus how earnest it was. Also arcs that didn't span for years.

Now its so self indulgent, "grandiose" in the worst sense, convoluted, oversaturated, filled with baits/silhouettes/offscreens/stretching out and such.

I also really miss the crew feeling like a crew and having downtime, chill moments. Vibing and goofing around and actually BEING TOGETHER instead of constantly being split up for one stupid reason or another.

I miss the crew bonding together as a whole, I miss the heart pre TS had, the soul, the beautiful simplicity and not an overwhelming need to overcompensate instead.


The humour was much better back then too. Not such obnoxious, flanderised/extreme, absolutely gross and ridiculous characters and expressions too.

The Power system was ironically a lot less of a mess back then too. Also a LOT less broken in the overpowered sense. Yes I know, Yonkos, Admirals, awakenings, blah blah blah but still.

Shit really started to go downhill from when Ace lost to Blackbeard and the Rescue Ace saga happened and Sabaody happening too.

OP has a real midlife crisis of taking itself far too seriously now but also at the same time, trying to regress to a simpler, more childish and goofier time and yes I say that ironically as someone lamenting what One Piece used to be and being a "nostalgiatard" too but Pre TS was vastly superior imo and I'll die on that hill, as I genuinely believe and feel it.

Nothing will ever justify post TS arcs being so immensely long, the silhouettes, death fake outs, offsreens, blatant lies, retcons etc.
Actual tension. Chopper not being just merchandise material. Luffy having more complexity as a character. Better and more dynamic panel usage (especially for impact panels in fights). Pre timeskip’s ability to contrast the goofy art style with weight, emotion, and more intense violence (post timeskip seems more censored by comparison imo).

CoC: Color of Clowns

Science(Knowledge) + God(Light) = Truth

Even though Wano had a ton of fucking issues, one thing I really liked about it (up until Act 3) was that it actually showed you what was going on outside the world.

Moria vs Blackbeard, the post-reverie, the Big News and Ultimate chapters... Oden's journey with Roger... having stuff like that really brightens the manga up.

Having 100 chapter long arcs that refuse to cut away to the outside world makes the series feel to restrictive.
Zoro actually had a personality rather than being reduced to this drunkard who only ever gets lost everywhere. I love Zoro but they're doing him so dirty it's frustrating.
And Robin is even less lucky. Where is the bold woman who was working with Crocodile, running from the World Government for years and training with Revolutionaries?
Brook only opens his mouth to make unfunny panty jokes.
Franky is basically a part of the décor now! We don't even see him much at all.
Chopper and Usopp are always crying from being scared of this thing or that.
Nami is objectified and just there for fan service most of the time. Little to no sign to her ambition in making maps and navigating uncharted waters.

Only one who actually had decent character development is Sanji. Which I approve, I just wish the other characters had the same privilege.
Probably gags, also tension (even Kaido and BM have been turned by Oda in joke villains) and also Oda did way less fake deaths. I remember the will of P but now just in Wano we had ridiculous fake deaths like with Kinemon, or now with Sabo or even he wants the reader to be worried about Coby lol. I don't get how he may think the reader can get worried about these anymore.
at some point in the story you actually cared what Luffy had to say. When he opened his mouth you were proud and excited about what came out.

From telling Kuro 'pirates don't run away from infamy' to telling arlong all the things he cant do, holding up hililuks flag high and proud or even telling enel he's going to ring the bell. Punching vivi in the face or bowing his head to boa.

When Luffy's opens his mouth now I cringe and turn off my laptop. Infact I just remembered typing this that the speeches in one piece were the best things in one piece. Now its empty panel time.
at some point in the story you actually cared what Luffy had to say. When he opened his mouth you were proud and excited about what came out.

From telling Kuro 'pirates don't run away from infamy' to telling arlong all the things he cant do, holding up hililuks flag high and proud or even telling enel he's going to ring the bell. Punching vivi in the face or bowing his head to boa.

When Luffy's opens his mouth now I cringe and turn off my laptop. Infact I just remembered typing this that the speeches in one piece were the best things in one piece. Now its empty panel time.
You forgot to mention when he ordered sogeking to shoot the wg flag and when he punched Carlos face. Those were epic.
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