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Is there a reason why we (you) are seeking a claim from someone we don't think is scum? Flower I can't play police on this nonsense all day, you know someone is going to claim in response to questions like this.
And it‘s not a good idea to confirm another player as Town because…?
And it‘s not a good idea to confirm another player as Town because…?
i mean, ngl, if i gifted something like that to you (and you're like 4th person behind naomi, ratchet and prof, i'd send it to), I wouldn't claim that for no reason. We're already defending Naomi and apparently midnight. That information won't change too much, unless it's someone who's in danger of killshot and tbh, if they already were, they'd just claim that imo.


The End and the Beginning
And it‘s not a good idea to confirm another player as Town because…?
Stop with the disingenuous remarks because you want to save face. For one, a double action doesn't confirm them as town. It might make them likely town, but there is a difference between that and confirmed. All the more so in super role madness - I shouldn't need to remind you of this. For two, we obviously don't want to claim every useful action done to anyone who claims to have a useful action done to them. We may as well just mass claim, and given that you haven't proposed that, obviously you know it's not a good idea.

Spare me the dishonesty here. You asked for a silly request because you're too focused on your own bubble instead of the towns at large. You are not the centre of the game, Flower. You are one piece of a larger mechanism. Comments like the above are typically suited to Indie players, because they only care about themselves. I am getting tired of having to come back here every time and correct some more silly shit because you, and a few others, are not thinking things through enough. Step it up.


After the Rayan CFD last NP, the questions shouldn't be a big surprise, no?
conq can you lmk what pg your iso on pero or whoever again so i can go read that rn

what's up with midnight?
flowers only lifeline to "confirmation" that shes town

he can PR a player and if its broken he will learn 1 ability is all.

flower that she was going to "catch" al last dp and they failed miserably probably the funniest part of last dp


The End and the Beginning
You know what, I‘m out. I‘m tired of trying to game solve just for others to give me shit and criticize me from all sides.
Spare me the pity party. I've claimed my negative investigation identifier day 1 and I still have had to put up with stupidity like someone burning a lie detect on me, because they can't be trusted to read properly, in turn wasting valuable resources and potentially more valuable resources. I'm "giving you shit" because being overly conscious of yourself and the things you would like when you are part of a team is harmful. You know this, hence my position. It's because I expect better. This also goes for asking for random refills that aren't needed or protects on an Indie. You are supposed to be a member of the town - these things should be played to town's benefit, which is mutually exclusive from just your benefit (which is to say, what might be best for you yourself isn't best for everyone). I've seen this too many times, in this game especially, where you want to suck up positive abilities for yourself and it's to the detriment of everyone else. I'm happy to defend your claim because I believe it, but it also needs you to start playing better.
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