Which character is stronger ?

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UNlike you im not a zoro or a luffy fan .
IM a one piece fans and power scaler that know how to power scale and debate .
IM a fan of the whole worst Gen Kid is my favorite in the worst gen followed by luffy law and then Zoro .

Zoro is one of my favorite character but im not biased like you .
IM not going to hype pwhat he is doing to make him look stronger im not that desesperate.
Save your excuses, you didn't give a single piece of evidence at any point, stating the obvious pre ts is not a solid argument.
You of debating know nothing.
Unlike you I am objective, no proof = headcanon.
Save your excuses, you didn't give a single piece of evidence at any point, stating the obvious pre ts is not a solid argument.
You of debating know nothing.
Unlike you I am objective, no proof = headcanon.
YOu are the one that need evidence you are going after a pre established point bring evidence !
Who give kaku the order to attack the ship ?
WHy is lucci shown as the obvious leading figure if he is not the stronger of them ?
You don't even have basic logic ?


The Rogue Prince
Sorry but no.
If Doffy is smart enough to realize CoC is a strong ability he should be smart enough to grow it.
Same as Katakuri who has a Yonko for a mother.

CoC is not talented related.

Even Kaido said only the strongest would awaken CoC as a whole, there's no reason to believe Kata or Doffy would been able to do it.
I mean... they simply couldn't do it.
You are ignoring canon statements in the manga of characters placing Luffy's potential over Law's simply because Luffy used CoC ONCE accidentally in Marineford.
Just look at the reactions of all the Big Shots in Marineford when Luffy awakened it...
This is proper buildup about an ability.
You are severely underestimating that ability & the amount of hype, buildup & foreshadowing that went into it.
UNlike you im not a zoro or a luffy fan .
IM a one piece fans and power scaler that know how to power scale and debate .
IM a fan of the whole worst Gen Kid is my favorite in the worst gen followed by luffy law and then Zoro .

Zoro is one of my favorite character but im not biased like you .
IM not going to hype pwhat he is doing to make him look stronger im not that desesperate.
You are upset which is why you brought up ZKK. His comment is mocking awakening wankers who were essentially slapped across their faces by Oda in this very chapter.

Too cowardly to even stand by your hate you then attempt to provide a pathetic justification to deflect. Stupid fob.
I don't need to demonstrate what is being seen.
The parallel of Luffy/Zoro and Kaku/Lucci is VERY clear.
You are the desperate one claiming Lucci>Kaku.
Yes the parallel is luffy defeat lucci as easely as zoro defeat kakau but zoro is also pre established as weaker then luffy and being his surbordonate .
SO if want make this parallel looks like same strenght prove me zoro is as strong as luffy then !
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