Which character is stronger ?

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Any chance of this aging stuff relate to tashigi being kuina or is it far fetched????
First of all, Clones so far don't seem to age (Pacifista, Stussy & Germa Soldiers don't age) so as of yet there is no indication that a Clone of Kuina could exist that can grow old, let alone become a totally different person personality wise, not to mention that Tashigi is a Year older

However there is something interesting, we know that Tashigi wants to collect Meito Swords cuz she doesn't want them to fall into the wrong hands, & Oda whenever he adds such Dreams or Goals, he justifies them with a Backstory

This suggests that Tashigi learned the dangers of Meito falling into the wrong hands & it's what encouraged her to become a Marine.
We also saw from her Childhood Picture that she always was fascinated with Swords & Swordsmanship, however she doesn't have an Eastern Theme or Design

Tashigi imo came from a Family of Knights and i'm not gonna go into details but it's clear that there is a Rivalry between Samurai & Knights in OPWorld, so the incident that led her to chase that Dream was most probably the loss of someone close to her at the hands of a Samurai

So imo even though Oda wanted us to think Tashigi looks like Kuina, it's actually the opposite, it's Kuina who inherited the look of Tashigi's Family, in other words her Mother!

In other words, Tashigi loves Swords, wants to collect Meito so they don't fall into the hands of Bad Swordsmen & she joined Marines, all cuz she lost her Mother who was a Knight (She died 22-23 Years Ago, not long after she gave birth to Tashigi, and this is very convenient, cuz it's possible that since she was a Knight, she was Strong & had Enemies but they couldn't defeat her, not until she gave birth & wasn't in best shape)

This also explains why Kuina was very strong, it's said that she was stronger than even Adults in their Dojo & why Zoro was unable to even come close to defeating her even though no one trains as much as him

So how can a person inherit the skills of a dead person?
Well that's what Double-Layered Eyes are for, those with such Eyes are people who were born Skilled (Just like Big Mom was born Strong or Vega was born Smart), they were born with Sword Skills inherited from a previous Life, and Cavendish is biggest Proof

Hakuba is a Dead Knight who was reborn inside Cavendish (Think of it like how Titans are passed down in Attack On Titan)
And Double-Layered Eyes simply represent complete Fusion of both the Host & Guest

In other words Mihawk was given Trinity Theme & a name that is inspired from Dracula cuz he is indeed someone who lived multiple times, that's why he is Greatest Swordsman, forged Black Blade, talks in Ancient Tongue, Bored, prefers to be Alone & why Zoro needs to Triple his Power/Training to be able to defeat him (Asura is literally Zoro becoming Three Persons)

Zunisha is another example, it's a Man who committed a Crime, not the Elephant, it's just that his Punishment was to be reborn inside the Elephant & live eternally waiting for a certain event. Imu is another example

And there are multiple Knights scattered around the world who have a Hidden Swordsman sleeping inside them, waiting to be Awakened, such Knights include T-Bone, Streusen, Vista, Crocodile (That's his Secret for example, he is basically a Sleeper Agent & Ivankov knows that) ... etc

So same for Kuina, apparently she inherited Tashigi's Mother Skills & Looks, and it's even possible that the night of her death, somehow she was Awakened (Which made her even more powerful, but under the Will of Tashigi's Mother), but Koushirou ended up forced to kill her

Another Hint is that i told you above, Tashigi's Mother was most probably killed by a Samurai, and Kozaburo did tell Zoro that if Marines learned about him, they would have captured him, clearly indicating that he didn't just leave Wano, he also committed Crimes against WG

What's also Dangerous about these with Double-Layered Eyes is that they exist in Two Realms (Real World & Afterlife)
That's why Oda was gonna call Mihawk Clairvoyant

Actually Imu you saw with Giant Straw Hat isn't actually the same Imu who was sitting on Empty Throne, as that Cold Room is actually Afterlife (That's why it's Cold) & it's where the National Treasure is being kept, those Dead Knights protect this Afterlife (There are 20 in Total)
So while Mihawk in Real-World is just Chilling, Cooking & Farming, his Second Part is Training Non-Stop in Second World

This is also why Oda made Mihawk & Crocodile team-up with Buggy, cuz it's a Foreshadowing that Buggy is soon gonna sit on Empty Throne as his next Gag Feat (Just like Wizard of Oz)

Imu's Room being in Afterlife is also why Doffy needed Eternal Youth Operation, cuz the Treasure is hidden in a Place that cannot be accessed by normal means, Immortality is needed to survive there
Imma be charitable here and be 100% honest with you. If you are getting banned from reddit, it's because you are crossing a line which has nothing to do with what you think of the story. Have some introspection and consider the possibility that some of the things you say are actually not ok morally speaking. No one is banning you for hating the story and the last couple of arcs.

I've seen folks on here talk trash about reddit, saying it's so easy to get banned there if you dare to criticise One Piece.
Then I went there and read some threads. Criticism everywhere. Some toxic and racist posts.
IMHO what kind of people are these that get banned from there?? How uber toxic do they have to be??
He didn't got stronger because of Enma. Enma is nothing but a nerf. If anything Enma puts Zoro in an extreme situation making him grow. But he wouldn't be in that situation if wasn't for Enma in first place. That means ZKK would happening if we change Enma for Shusui.
Exactly. Without Enma, Zoro doesn't grow stronger, which is a power up. It's not a simple stat buff like Sanji's bs Germa genes, but it is still a PU. It doesn't take away from Zoro to say that it is. If anything, it proves how great of a swordsman he is lol.
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