Which character is stronger ?

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Don't mistake Luffytarfs with Zoro Chad's. There is no mistake when it comes to Zoro. Luffy one shooting someone that is not a fodder or Bellamy? Forgets. It will never happen.
If the chapter shows more then one panel of fighting between them, I'm gonna come back and read your comments just to laugh because of the pur estupidity and delusion
Cry. Kaku the true CP0 genius.
Cry, you were reading agenda piece before - like I told you:gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh:

''Zoro defated Kaku'' :gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh::gokulaugh:

Bro he knocked him down, thats it - it was Stussy that defeated him in the end:milaugh:

Imagine believing Agenda Piece spoilers, never me:suresure::suresure:
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