Which character is stronger ?

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Bro it's not even a proper fight yet. So far only Zoro overpowered him with literally showing nothing from his arsenal. Zoro easily put him down.
overpowered doesn't = damage or win, and he still used 3sword and haki, if he did that against someone with actual feats ok but kaku whole existense is to lose to zoro, if he would beat a seraphim or something before he fought zoro then makes more sense but that just makes kaku looks like shit not zoro better then luffy :milaugh:
A lot of assumptions here.
Kaku was still standing. Their fight was not finished.
Lucci didnt land a hit on Luffy, same with Kaku and Zoro.
What if Stussy put Lucci to sleep too, even if he know that she is working for VP now?

Oda is a bitch, he is always inconclusive. @lee33 Pooth got banned, but would like to read his rant on this one 😂
I dont think stussy would be able to use her hax if kaku knew what she was doing
But let a see if she puts lucci to sleep
Stussy is stronger than we tought
Kaku is now relative to Lucci as they are two awakened Zoan users sharing the exact same form
...What? What kind of retarded shit is that?

Is Momo as strong as Kaido for having the same mythical zoan?
They've far surpassed Mr Go's feats, who struggled to put down Izo in a 2v1. Izo, who is no higher than YC4. Making Mr Go Vet-level
Where did they surpass Mr Go?

Go went and blitzed between Kaido and Luffy while they were charging at each other and overpowered Luffy.

There's no proof that Kaku & Lucci would be able to beat fresh Izo 2v1
Except Sanji and half the crew were struggling and were wondering how to hurt the s-jumbo while Zoro overpowered and said to kaku "you are a nuisance".

Hmm a difference no ?
Okay but none of what you said is true. Sanji was taking about killing s shark and never once mentioned having difficulty hurting him?

Sanji also overpowered s shark and Zoros attack didn’t seem to hurt Kaku. The scenes the exact same.


Never Feed The Badders Pasta
I still don't understand how a goofy ass character can trigger a whole ass fandom.
- Luffy wins a popularity poll. Rigged
- Luffy wins a fight. Plot armour
- Luffy gets a high bounty. Undeserved
- Luffy gets a new haki ability. Useless until certain characters unlock the same ability:whitepress:
You even have these neeks making threads and shit on why Base Haki > Advance Haki :milaugh:
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