Which character is stronger ?

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Imagine underestimating Kuma, the guy keeps winning : special race, insane powers, special plot point and history :finally:
He's probably very strong, but shown nothing so far putting him above an average commander. Maybe stronger than even King/Marco/Katakuri but yet to be seen.

People tend to forget the global hype commander levels had, prior to the good guys reaching/surpassing that level. Pretty much similar to Shichibukai. Bege shat his pants at presence of base Cat, who was Jack tier. Soul trees shuddered and shriveled at the presence of Cracker. Etc
Keep lying to urself no one was struggling maybe ussop or nami and thats obvious, and seraphim atleast showed capable vs yonko kaku just came out to get trashed by stussy sera>kaku any day
Of course stussy > kaku.

But it's not me who is lying since you are trying to hide the fact that zoro already showed capable vs 2 yonkou and the fact Zoro defeated the OG guy that gave those seraphim the power to go against yonkou :blush:

"You are a nuisance" that's all I understood from zoro vs kaku ...
Even the manga said 2v7. Where was Brooke helping Zoro at? The manga shows Zoro easily beating alone.

It's pathetic how much you haters have to lie to downplay Zoro. That clone was only able to surprise attack Kaku after Zoro weaken him.
2v7? Bruh
Seraphim just arrived and they’re targeting the facility, Lucci is ordering them around and Stussy joined the SHs.
Brook is standing there next to Zoro with his sword unsheathed, can’t be more clear than this
We don't even know what her hax is. It might something like Sugar or Law hax... Nothing states stucci> kaku.
If that was true why bother waiting? She should have done it already.
If she can do it infront of lucci and kaku fast and without them noticing i think she can do it anytime, and again even if its hax she can still take down kaku with 1 attack, you just assume for some reason kaku is stronger despite showing nothing but losing that he can dodge her "hax"
Dam I miss those AdCoC is overrated threads
the "what does kaido do better than king thread "was a gem

Simply having the same DF means nothing because eating a DF requires no skill. Invalid comparison.
so you recognize there is a skilll issue in fruit user's, incredible
the degree to which one uses their awakening varies
the potential of each fruit varies
and the strength of the individual aside the fruit also varies

all paramecia awakenings wouldnt be relative.
aye but keep pulling things out of your ass.
rubbish headcanon you just spouted.
Things to take from this.

1. Luffy needs stuccy to help him knock out Lucci since Lucci was not knocked out via panel.

2. Zoro literally used what looks to be a pound cannon to over power an awakened zoan casually.

3..he then stands back up like nothing happened
4. Is Lucci also scolding him from losing that clash?
5. Lucci about to looks even worse since he left seems terrified of stuccy
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