Which character is stronger ?

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I didn't say they're all equal, I said they're relative.

It's not just that they're awakened, it's that they share the exact same awakening.

It's like when Goku had SSJ after defeating Frieza and Vegeta came and unlocked SSJ. Goku was already stronger than Vegeta but now that they share the exact same form, they become relative to each other through portrayal.

Or it's like Luffy unlocking Sky-splitting ACoC. It didn't make him equal to Kaido but it certainly makes him relative to other sky-splitters. When you awaken the exact same power-up, that is a form of portrayal.
all ancient zoans are also relative
from the likes of king to the likes of page one.
Simply having a DF =/= Awakening your fruit with the exact same design. That is a piss-poor comparison, try again.
What? What does having same design in awakening got to do with powerlevel?
Since when design changes based on powerlevel?

Momo's design is the same as Kaido's.
Momo's human design is the same as Oden's.
Mr Go did not overpower Luffy, he grabbed his arm when he wasn't looking lmfaoo
...and Luffy couldn't shake him off by using his arm to punch, meaning he got overpowered....
Zoro is a low top-tier, Luffy is a mid top-tier - no feat of Mr Go compares to pushing back either of these characters
I don't care for your headcanon rankings.
Lucci straight up clashed equally with G5 Luffy
That's just a shitty call back to Ennies Lobby with the exact same panels.
Robin overpowered Big Mom, what does that supposed to mean?


If stussy can take him down in 1 hit its very much logical to say stussy > kaku, obs haki exsist you know even lucci didnt sense her doing that
We don't even know what her hax is. It might something like Sugar or Law hax... Nothing states stucci> kaku.
If that was true why bother waiting? She should have done it already.
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