Which character is stronger ?

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Queen also could multiple his physical strength by using Yonji's power
Ironically the clowns who keep pushing "Lucci is more prodigy than Kaku" are the ones who laughing at him when he doesn't recognize Straw Hat as Emperor.
Be consistent, do you think he is a prodigy or a delusional?
u can be prodigy as fighter and be dumb fuck other wise
Luffy meme zoro or examples of this
They have 0 iq but are prodigy as fighter
So Lucci's df wasn't measure and yet he had 1800 doriki over Kaku still. That's interesting:zorothink:
It has nothing to do with your overall strength so it's irrelevant. That must be too difficult for you to understand.

Kaku swordsmanship relies on death by a thousand cuts. He's a different swordsman than Zoro.

Theres a reason Oda hasn't brought it back.
What's with "Zoro overpowered Kaku" shit?

Kaku overpowered Zoro and pushed him back meters away with a nose.

Also, what happened to that famous "lethality" that would chop Luffy's arms if he extended them?
Kaku is extending his neck and Zoro can't do anything to it
Aint no way you're saying that kaku overpowered zoro

Holy shit
Mf is reading three piece
Apparently kaku is stonger than lucci now? WTF is wrong with this forum?:gokulaugh:
I see you lack reading comprehension. We are saying this notion that Lucci is double Kaku no longer exists.

It's very simply. The moment Kaku was slapped by zoro luccis first response was LETS CALL THE SERAPHIM
again mate from a simple google search.

Pteranodons were flying reptiles that were about 6 feet long, had a 25-33 foot wingspread, and weighed about 25kg; its standing height was about 6 feet. This wing-span is longer than any known bird.

those figures you had for the bigger pterodactyl isnt what king's fruit is.
Cool again thats cap since the same Google states that pterodactyl were SMALLER than pteradons yet the largest pterodactyl was 55lbs. Again simple google search
If that translation is exact, I have a bad feeling with what Sanji said. Mentioning Zoro dying being so close to the goal is usually a death flag for the one who says such a thing. I don't think it's a death flag for Sanji, but that line may be hinting trouble on the horizon.
If that translation is exact, I have a bad feeling with what Sanji said. Mentioning Zoro dying being so close to the goal is usually a death flag for the one who says such a thing. I don't think it's a death flag for Sanji, but that line may be hinting trouble on the horizon.
There is no way in hell Oda has the balls to Kill zoro
Pteranodons don’t hunt dinosaurs. They swoop fish like pelicans.

So if Kaku ~ Lucci because devil fruit then you have to think Queen > King since Queens fruit is significantly better than kings?
It was stated they killed dinosaurs that were much bigger than them though. However they perfered smaller prey since they lacked teeth etc etc. They are known to eat smaller dinosaurs or baby ones as well as fish and crab
Apparently kaku is stonger than lucci now? WTF is wrong with this forum?:gokulaugh:
I'm on the side-lines but it looks like users are saying Zoro is pathetic for not K.O. Kaku and Stussy is showing up putting him to sleep, and using doriki as an argument from 2 years ago (OP time), I haven't seen a post that Kaku is stronger just comparable to Lucci.
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