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Meh do i ever stand out as one ? The only thing i can do is kill a scum and even then no one would follow me :(

As for the cult i can tell you that there are 3 cult people in total so i was just curious if someone noticed some suspected activity
You’re gonna have to elaborate on how you know this lol. Especially when Rhea gave no hints at this.
All i can tell you is that there are 3 of them and their cult is called cross guild


Now we are gonna preference with Worst is a known liar even as Town, but this isn’t something I expect Town Worst to lie about. He lies about things like having kills or shit.

And I scum read both players in the slot anyway. This is nail meets coffin.
On one hand, I *could* see Worst lying for the sake of it. On the other, I shot that slot Night 1 and since then I've had no reason to give it the benefit of the doubt. I'm not sure this should be the reason it gets got, but... it can perish anyway.

Vote: Worst
I'm starting to think you guys really are the same person, damn
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