[Passive - Wrestlers Attire] John Cena always walks around wearing his wrestling attire, even in public and people avoid him for that, he will reject any neighbor char.
[Passive - You can't see me!] When John Cena performs an action it is hard for players to dicern them, thus his actions will always find their target.
---You can't see me! 2.0--- John Cena may activate this ability to quite literally disapper for a phase, avoiding all actions. Exceptions may apply.( 1 shot)
[Active - German Supplex] John Cena may target a player and supplex them into the ground. Challenging them to an RPS match, if he wins he will roleblock the first action they use the following phase.
[Active - Body Slam] John Cena may target someone at night and body slam them, freeing them from any control abilities.
[Active - Chokeslam]
John may target a player that cause a mislynch to chokeslam them, disabling their 2 of their abilities for a phase. You may not use this and German Supplex during the same cycle.
Funds: 1000 Berries.
Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.