Also I sorta agree. A chapter or two more to properly wrap it up would have been great. I can't say it's a bad ending, far from it, but it could have been a bit elaborate. And yeah you're right, I am glad the ending wasn't just a happy one.
Oscar is not such a surprising pick tbh. Not among my faves but definitely a great character with a sad story.
The twists and the story are amazing. Jack was such a great villain and his story was great and the twist was absolutely stunning.
And Xerxes is the GOAT. Man when he died

There are so many great characters that I have a very hard time picking favourites but you can't go wrong. Xerxes, Jack, Lacie, Oswald, Levi, Vincent, Alice, Rufus, Gil, Zwei, Oz, Oscar, Leo, Sheryl, Shelly, Sharon, Miranda, Lily, Lottie, Chesire, Will of the Abyss, Marie etc.