Biggest 2025 expectation?

  • Nami cutting her hair

    Votes: 21 13.1%
  • Shanks not having a twin

    Votes: 12 7.5%
  • Finding One Piece

    Votes: 7 4.4%
  • Imu face reveal

    Votes: 100 62.5%
  • Vegaskunk finally dying

    Votes: 20 12.5%

  • Total voters
Oh no Lucci better watch out now that Kaku is a sleep Zoro is there and he's a leopard we know what that means

They occur in a wide range of habitats; from deserts and semi-desert regions of southern Africa, to arid regions of North Africa, to savanna grasslands of East and southern Africa, to mountainous environments on Mt. Kenya, to the rainforests of West and Central Africa
Oh no Lucci better watch out now that Kaku is a sleep Zoro is there and he's a leopard we know what that means

They occur in a wide range of habitats; from deserts and semi-desert regions of southern Africa, to arid regions of North Africa, to savanna grasslands of East and southern Africa, to mountainous environments on Mt. Kenya, to the rainforests of West and Central Africa
I think the biggest issues are lack of authority figures and mental health.

Back in the US in the 50s, there were shooting clubs at high schools: kids would load their hunting rifles in their car, and DRIVE THEM TO SCHOOL. And, there weren't many shootings at all.

In my day, I was raised to believe it's a good thing to murder minorities in foreign countries as long as the government/god said so.

People can say whatever they want to young people, lecture them on politics and religion, but, people learn from behavior. More and more people are starting to realize that their lives don't matter at all to the world around them. People in the US want to ban guns, but drone bombers? They don't care about Muslim kids getting blown up in marketplaces.

If the role models young people have are crazy, violet, egotistical rich people... uh... what do we expect, really? The idea that most countries actually value life is just a fucking lie. The people running these countries care about money, and power. Rich people in the US aren't going to give up their guns, or stop blowing up poor people in foreign countries. If we gave up our guns, they wouldn't stop killing Muslim kids.

The reason the government wants to take our guns away, is because they fear revolution. They don't care if we get shot. Americans can lie to themselves, they matter just as much as Muslim kids to the criminals running the US government.

That's why the US is such a fucking mess. We can't take the guns away from the crazy rednecks, because the war criminals in the US government are way more violent and evil than they are, to the extent they've murdered 500,000 civilians in the Middle East since 9/11. I literally have no idea what the fuck to do.

Gun control won't mean shit until the US government stops acting like terrorists. We need mass public strikes, I guess. Civil disobedience DOES work, but only if you have massive numbers.
Many people focus on dishing out revenge against the small fish because they are scared of bringing the real evildoers to justice.
Nothing new.
They also rather turn on their own people than fighting the real enemies.

Do you understand now why I sometimes say that I can't stand humans?