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Luffy beating kizaru is one thing but idk if oda would let him beat a gorosei just yet even if its not the strongest one or imu

Also whether they capture her or a deal is made between them for something kuma related i think bonney is definitely going to help them
Probably by aging down the gorosei and aging up the seraphim. It probably happening after the strawhats win and leave so the arc ends in a happy yet somber not. Cant see it happening mid arc cause i just cant see how the strawhats would be able to win
We don’t know anything about him so how you even came up with this….I would never know
Lol go fuck your self
Kizaru literally specifies that he's got physical strength comparable to Primebeard's and these molded walnuts think it means all of his stats are equal to Primebeard.
If he was actually on Primebeard's level overall he would have shat on that fleet so bad.

Sasaki Kojirō

I told you that Weevil was fighting against an admiral but I purposely mistook the admiral's name as Fujitora, my spoilers were deleted but is this enough to confirm my credibility, right? :goyea:
So since Saturn is the top guy in the enemy force heading to Egghead, that means

Luffy vs Saturn
Zoro vs Kizaru (strongest underling)

right? :myman:
Depends on how Saturn is used:

1. If hes not strong, then nope, hes just here to take the Serephim.
2. If hes strong, then it depends on two further factors:
A. Is he here to just take the Serephim? Then no, he may not fight anyone outside of a showcase.

B. If he has presense to challenge Luffy, then yes.

So we'll see. Kizaru himself may not even let him fight
Lol go fuck your self
Kizaru literally specifies that he's got physical strength comparable to Primebeard's and these molded walnuts think it means all of his stats are equal to Primebeard.
If he was actually on Primebeard's level overall he would have shat on that fleet so bad.
He never once said prime beard. He said young beard
Lol go fuck your self
Kizaru literally specifies that he's got physical strength comparable to Primebeard's and these molded walnuts think it means all of his stats are equal to Primebeard.
If he was actually on Primebeard's level overall he would have shat on that fleet so bad.
Kizaru didnt even say Prime either

Young WB is prolly sub Top tier

and its strength alone lmao
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