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Props to GB for capturing Weevil. But, what does Kizaru know about PrimeBeard? Pretty much, nothing. Now if if was Sengoku or,even better, Garp saying that then it would mean something.
The fact that he is indeed remembered of Prime WB's strength is literally screaming that he indeed knew shit about Prime WB. Who says they didn't meet before ?

Kizaru is the oldest Admiral and we know for a fact that he accompanied Sengoku during missions.
I think the Gorosei will have strong combat abilities, with the bald Monk guy being the strongest fighter. It would be too risky to take a Gorosei to Egghead if he was just fodder like the CDs.

Also didn't Oda recently say something like the Gorosei haven't displayed their true worth yet? something like that.
Main reason should be taking Seraphims back. They aren't desperate enough to rely on Gorosei yet when Kizaru will be there.

Although Gorosei should be strong.
Damn too bad no proof Lucci got up 32 seconds later though, too bad Lucci got destroyed KO'ed needed medical attention and bandages just for being Luffys play thing. Damn no doubt Lucci got some of the copium Zorotards had been taking. Too bad Kaku saw Zoro as nothing but worthless fodder yet some zorotard head cannon themselves into believing Zoro isn't weaker then his superior Kaku who ezpz stalemated him in base XD
To bad we have proof of him being up a panel layer with luffy being old being around the exact same time that Lucci got up via panel. Wow that's crazy.

We also get 0 panel of medical attention especially how now one has a medical kit added with the fact that Lucci had ONE bandage. Damn that'd crazy
What if he had to face Ryokugyu's entire fleet alone, protecting his "father"'s island, remaining standing infront of the entire fleet, before eventually getting captured ? :memehm: Could be Oda's way of thinking of a "cool scene"

Either this, or maybe it's a moment that is yet to come :optimistic:
Roger gave himself up so his crew gets off. Maybe Weevil surrendered too. Marine fans will be in for a rude awakening again after the fiasko with Shanks.
Next time fujitora shows up and captures cavendish
Admiralstans:cavendish is yonko level :lulz::kailaugh:
And again. Hiding behind emojis. You want those to cover up the fact that you've nothing to support your point anymore.

I have no business debating with guys that are already on the ground as you are.
Yeah I think feat wise he's far more impressive than Fujitora tbh. Even Kizaru too. We saw him fight commanders, him bodying 11 supernovas with pacifista wont mean much, they were fodder back then to him anyway, while Akainu fought multiple commanders he only took out curiel.

Green bowl skewered a beast pirates army with King and Queen, and from the looks of it might have mid diffed Weevil's ass.
kizaru hyped up weevil indirectly hyping him
perhaps he isnt the closest to akainu in just ideology
I think the Gorosei will have strong combat abilities, with the bald Monk guy being the strongest fighter. It would be too risky to take a Gorosei to Egghead if he was just fodder like the CDs.

Also didn't Oda recently say something like the Gorosei haven't displayed their true worth yet? something like that.
Yeah think the same. Their aim is to command the Seraphim, he should at least be able to take a Luffy punch, since I suspect highly Oda will do a redraw of Luffy as Nika punching a high ranking CD
in this mini arc where the fuck are the rest of the marine like smoka,tashigi etc etc. If we dont see them again I take my L.

I though that smoka would clash with g5 luffy:suresure: well Loda plan went with Lucci:madmonk:
Lol go fuck your self
Kizaru literally specifies that he's got physical strength comparable to Primebeard's and these molded walnuts think it means all of his stats are equal to Primebeard.
If he was actually on Primebeard's level overall he would have shat on that fleet so bad.
Who said all his stats were equal to prime beard? Clearly I said he was “comparable to a YOUNG Whitebeard” what of that did you misunderstand?

Young could be before WB even hit his prime fully. If Weevil was prime WB level then he wouldve possibly NEGGED Greenbull
Base Kaku used tempest kick in his feat lol. So no

While luffy had to use armament haki agaisnt luccis armament haki fist while he was in g5. That's crazy.
Clown try fail XD. Nah base Kaku used tempest kick on the ship, not Zoro base luffy no haki no unnamed moved ezpz stalemated Zoros swords so yes XD.
Lul Lucci couldn't even touch Luffy, who played him with like a joke, wasn't ever serious still completely destroyed and KO'ed Lucci, who in turn was so strong that Stussy, the one able to ezpz one shot neg diff Zoro (like she did against Zoros superior Kaku) had to further weaken him after he got completely wrecked KOED and badly damaged and needed medical attention after Luffy was done playing with him. Damn that is crazy XD.
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