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I will never forgive Oda
We finally got a name from the Gorosei :bignews:

"Saint" comes first, as every reader probably guessed, then comes a personal name and then a planetary name...

Since Neptune is already taken from the King of the Fishmen and Uranus is an Ancient Weapon, I guess the other 4 will be:
  • Jupiter
  • Mercury
  • Mars
  • Pluto or Venus
Going by simple gut feeling I think Jupiter is the Gorosei with the large white mustache, since he is frequently presented sitting at the center and looks like the "leading figure" (Jupiter is the commanding planet) even tho there are clearly no ranks between those 5...

Mars could be the samurai Gorosei since he's the only one openly presented with a weapon and Mars is the planet of war...

Mercury is supposed to be the "intellectual planet" so I'm going with the long beard Gorosei, always following my guts, simply cause he looks the part.

Blonde Gorosei, by exclusion, should either be Pluto or Venus.

As for the name "Jegarcia" that name is pure mistery. A quick search on internet led to nothing, there are no people in this world with such name...
@EtenBoby made a good post about their likely names and how they’re named after ages/days in Asian culture (which coincides with Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter & Saturn)
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