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He's a shitty clone though. That's the point. He might the physical strength of WB, but he doesn't have the brains, experience nor the "Gura Gura no Mi".
We don't know if he was given something to compensate, so it's possible to have the combat strength if not any intelligence based attributes.
U also assume seraphim are different in strength when no one said so, vegapunk called them strongest creatures didnt say one stronger then the other, snake=hawk=shark=bear
I made no assumption, but LOL if we note that they're equal and Zoro impressed his while Sanji didn't...

And we already know Zoro can beat a legit Lunarian when Sanji's opponent said it wasn't possible
Nothing new in Fake Hype Piece, can't believe an author tried to create hype for some character who is already present on scene too. :tchpepe:
I am worried for main plot lines of the series a lot.
Watch that fool is the world's strongest
that first line would make no sense because you can not compare lunarian mihawk with mihawk

but you can compare enhanced lunarian jinbe with jinbe

and he is much stronger without a doubt, feats can tell

sanji apparently just hit the seraphim so he can not feel intimidated when he does not even know what the hell just hit him

see, sanji hit lunarian jinbe and apparently made him spit blood, blackbeard did no damage to a seraphim, why did not anyone pointed that out...
Because he had seraphim hawk lol
That's the reason
Zoro has acoc
Part of sn
Vc rivalry n so on

No 2 jinbo
3rd highest bounty
His kid clone owning Lanji
sanji is the definition of an underdog

i will make a post about it sooner or later

jinbe is franky's rival though, he can not dream about competing with the wings

read wano and understand

Sasaki Kojirō

Bites are defeating awakened zoan, I should have kept my expectations low the moment I realized that they are nowhere near Kaidou the hardest man to defeat in the entire world.
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