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Well if you want to assume then go and assume that Jinbe is Sanji's equivalent of Mihawk lmao

But wait for the scans. We don't know if Sanji actually even intimidated the seraphim like Zoro did.
that first line would make no sense because you can not compare lunarian mihawk with mihawk

but you can compare enhanced lunarian jinbe with jinbe

and he is much stronger without a doubt, feats can tell

sanji apparently just hit the seraphim so he can not feel intimidated when he does not even know what the hell just hit him

see, sanji hit lunarian jinbe and apparently made him spit blood, blackbeard did no damage to a seraphim, why did not anyone pointed that out...
Luffy and Lucci both used haki in their punch clash.

We also have zero panel of Lucci being definitively knocked out unlike Kaku or Lucci when he fights stuccy
Its stated that he was losing consciousness with him fading to black. Not juts that but Lucci was never hit with any advanced haki and it was only 1 fist clash.

He hit Lucci without using any haki. There was no haki in the mogura pistol, nor was their haki in the dawn rocket.
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