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Yeah and it seems like they’re based on Five Phases of Asian culture, Metal, Wood, Water, Fire and Earth/Soil
It probably doesn’t make sense to western readers but that’s how we name the planets(and the days of the week), Saturn is 土星(Star of Soil), Mercury is water, Jupiter is Wood, Venus is Metal and Mars is fire
Makes sense why they’re called the Five Elderly Stars
Do you feel this smell?
Do you feel the will of the D.?
The will of the Deus ex Machina?

Shanks is coming to let the Pirate King escape from certain death and fulfill the prophecy :endthis:
So stuccy had to get thr drop on Kaku that was distracted but speed blitz an awakened Lucci to subdue him? Damn that's crazy
Lol zorotard hard core copium overdose XDD. Against Lucci Stussy no only had to get the drop on him, but she also had to trick him, weaken him, distract him whilst Kaku got foddered like nothing, same Kaku that ez tanked Zoros attack cope harder XD
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