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You think Kizaru would hype young WB's power like that if his power was just comparable to a rookie? It's clear that young WB - whose power was referred to Weevil - also used to be strong in this context.
True, but young Whitebeard doesn't have to mean Primebeard. I doubt this is something that has to be said, although some clowns will run away with it.

Pretty soon we'll see Ryokugyu > Roger based on that logic, lol
Stop it. Gorosei aren't strong

Admirals are THE strongest in WG. They are the reason why WG have power.

Gorosei aren't some mystery in one piece world, they are public figures.
If they were strong, everyone would've sensed it, like Akainu, Sengoku, Kizaru... etc and called them out
Well if Gorosei guy can't fight, then he'd better off stay at home and give orders, why is he bothering to come himself and risk his life?
I always know mere Admirals will look like shit in front of the Goroseis, after what they did to even the Fleet Admirals.
But to this bad, that the Admirals would bring them food and drink. Wow, I am surprised...
Aww look how cute. Desperately trying to stir up something aren't ya?
The fact that you actually resort to calling L55 for help of all people lmao. You must be in need for help.
Interesting theory, and now it makes sense imo
It was never about One Piece's world having 6 moons, but rather having 1 moon and 5 other celestial bodies surrounding it.

If you take only what is known in Geocentric models, there are only 5 celestial bodies that surround the Earth (save for the Sun and Moon) in most depictions. Seriously, look it up, they do not go past Saturn in most of them.

Considering this, Im is most definitely Earth, while the Gorosei are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Ultimately, its a question of how of the Sun and Moon play their roles in the series, and clearly Nika is refeferenced as the Sun God, yet is depicted on the backdrop of the Moon

Honestly, really interested to see where Oda ends up going with this.


World's Strongest Swordsman
Stop it. Gorosei aren't strong

Admirals are THE strongest in WG. They are the reason why WG have power.

Gorosei aren't some mystery in one piece world, they are public figures.
If they were strong, everyone would've sensed it, like Akainu, Sengoku, Kizaru... etc and called them out
Lmfao no
Ghandi has a saijo
Something only the top tiers have
True, but young Whitebeard doesn't have to mean Primebeard. I doubt this is something that has to be said, although some clowns will run away with it.

Pretty soon we'll see Ryokugyu > Roger based on that logic, lol
Ofc not. Young WB =/= Primebeard. It'd be silly to claim otherwise. Primebeard was equal to the strongest pirate, Roger. Weevil is nowhere that level.
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