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Seraphims until a few hours ago

*Damn these are above YC1 at BARE MINIMUM*
*S-Hawk may very possibly be stronger than Mihawk himself!*
*Seraphims >>> original Warlords*
*King is a full green adult Lunarian? Doesn't matter, Seraphims >>> him*
*Did you fucking see how S-Hawk pressured Blackbeard??*

Seraphims now

*Are these things even average YC level?*
*Seraphims are just child, they may have potential, but now they are still weak, they need to grow a lot*
*Oda using the introduction against Blackbeard as a means to hype Seraphims? Oh but shut up come on he blocked him with his weak ass Yonko-level Haki*
* Can Seraphim even gauge other people's power level? They surely can be wrong in their perceptions*

The Zoro effect...
It doesn't surprise me that Yonkou fans think treating the elderly with respect is a bitch move. They've probably never served their parents anything in their lives
There's no reason for Saturn to bring Kizaru as a body guard if he's much stronger than him.

Worst case scenario for admiral bros is Saturn >=
Seraphims until a few hours ago

*Damn these are above YC1 at BARE MINIMUM*
*S-Hawk may very possibly be stronger than Mihawk himself!*
*Seraphims >>> original Warlords*
*King is a full green adult Lunarian? Doesn't matter, Seraphims >>> him*
*Did you fucking see how S-Hawk pressured Blackbeard??*

Seraphims now

*Are these things even average YC level?*
*Seraphims are just child, they may have potential, but now they are still weak, they need to grow a lot*
*Oda using the introduction against Blackbeard as a means to hype Seraphims? Oh but shut up come on he blocked him with his weak ass Yonko-level Haki*
* Can Seraphim even gauge other people's power level? They surely can be wrong in their perceptions*

The Zoro effect...
in my defense, I have always said the potential of the seraphim was their most dangerous trait, so I’m clean
Seraphims until a few hours ago

*Damn these are above YC1 at BARE MINIMUM*
*S-Hawk may very possibly be stronger than Mihawk himself!*
*Seraphims >>> original Warlords*
*King is a full green adult Lunarian? Doesn't matter, Seraphims >>> him*
*Did you fucking see how S-Hawk pressured Blackbeard??*

Seraphims now

*Are these things even average YC level?*
*Seraphims are just child, they may have potential, but now they are still weak, they need to grow a lot*
*Oda using the introduction against Blackbeard as a means to hype Seraphims? Oh but shut up come on he blocked him with his weak ass Yonko-level Haki*
* Can Seraphim even gauge other people's power level? They surely can be wrong in their perceptions*

The Zoro effect...
Zoro is another level bro. He shocked a seraphim.

King >>> Seraphims btw.
After seeing what Akainu did against Whitebeard, taking advantage of the poor old man's heart attack

It is not farfetched to think Greenbull used similar foolery against Weevil. Knowing Weevil is such a mommy's son, Greenbull might took Bakkin hostage to make Weevil easily surrendered. Afterall, Greenbull is the same Admiral known for his shitty morale.

Sasaki Kojirō

Hey Tejas, where is that meme of Shanks denying the Green Bull using Haki WiFi?
Educate them, they have short memory, it seems like an admiral could defeat opponents associated with the level of strength of the emperors (Whitebeard), when they were a child is sensational to them, imagine if they were able to take a shot at Luffy after WCI like Kaidou did.


And let's not forget that these things only happen due to the numerical advantage on the Green Bull side.:kidsmile:
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