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Sigh I wonder if I should make another thread explaing how 6 powers are deeply tied to haki. Had a whole theory on it 2 years ago
See that was my original thought as well, the six powers being the early base before Oda had completed the idea of haki. That can still be true but i still think iron body is different than armament haki now because of the description of iron body being capped by physical strength while haki can be strengthened
See that was my original thought as well, the six powers being the early base before Oda had completed the idea of haki. That can still be true but i still think iron body is different than armament haki now because of the description of iron body being capped by physical strength while haki can be strengthened
1. I still do catergorize tekkai as being different from armament hence why I made the comment of coby combining both for strong defense.

2. Geppo/sky walk and tempest kick are definitely ryou based though. So is rokougun.
The whole kicking air doesn't make sense since we have heavy people use it (so it isn't size based) and we have people with weaker leg strength use it while some stronger legs fighters can't (so it isn't strength based)..

Instead it has to be the projection of ryou that allows the user to platform on the air since speed isn't even needed to sky walk since we saw Lucci do it while being completely still in the air.

It's the same for tempest kick. A slicing attack from a kick doesn't make sense unless the projectile from the kick was sharpened. We learn that swordsman with ryou do this.
1. I still do catergorize tekkai as being different from armament hence why I made the comment of coby combining both for strong defense.

2. Geppo/sky walk and rokougun are definitely ryou based though.
The whole kicking air doesn't make sense since we have heavy people use it (so it isn't size based) and we have people with weaker leg strength use it while some stronger legs fighters can't (so it isn't strength based)..

Instead it has to be the projection of ryou that allows the user to platform on the air since speed isn't even needed to sky walk since we saw Lucci do it while be completely still in the air.

It's the same for tempest kick. A slicing attack from a kick doesn't make sense unless the projectile from the kick was sharpened. We learn that swordsman with ryou do this.
This means Sanji had Ryou which causes problems because we've seen him only be able to use rather basic Armament ( though his Armament was still better than Luffy's at FMI ) other times.
Also Rokougan was shown post ts and it had no signs of being Ryou compared to stuff like Sentomaru's barrier.
This means Sanji had Ryou which causes problems because we've seen him only be able to use rather basic Armament ( though his Armament was still better than Luffy's at FMI ) other times.
Also Rokougan was shown post ts and it had no signs of being Ryou compared to stuff like Sentomaru's barrier.
Ryou isn't advanced. Internal destruction ryou is. All ryou is is the flow of haki. It's very simple actually. The version luffy uses to cause internal destruction is the advanced one

Rokogun is Ryou based since nothing in the series has been shown to project or flow from one's body to the next. What exactly is Lucci flowing to the other person causing internal damage if not haki?
See that was my original thought as well, the six powers being the early base before Oda had completed the idea of haki. That can still be true but i still think iron body is different than armament haki now because of the description of iron body being capped by physical strength while haki can be strengthened
haki is will and ambition manifest as power system. 6 power is just physical boost achieved by hard training. this is not the last we see of 6 powers. garp can be peak 6 powers user. we see garp as person really like to train. he want to train luffy to be strongest marine. train for chinjao. look at how he train coby to be strong. everything about garp is related to training. I'm not surprise garp his own version of rokushiki pistol using his fist. then luffy just copy his gramps as a kid. now he has whole lot of variety of gum gum pistol
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