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Luffy used gear 5 only to flex given that he literally needed 1 PUNCH to beat luffy.

It doesn't matter How many times you repeat It, zoro will ALWAYS be inferior to luffy and Blackbeard, he is an UNDERLING SIDE CHARACTER after all.

Inferior to law and yamato aswell, almost forgot.
True everyone knows Law will be WSS…

Not to mention Oda has already forgotten about Yamato lol
I'm sick of these half clashes and fights...everyone can fight with everyone

Oven clashes with Katakuri

S-Hawk clashes with Yonko Blackbeard
Same S-Hawk clashes with Zoro
Same Zoro clashes with Kaku

Lucci clashes with Luffy
Same Lucci gets defeated by Stussy

It's better to judge only from full fledged fights, otherwise Oda doesn't care
He can even draw Primebeard clashing with Cracker for 1 panel if the plot needs it
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