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Kizaru said Weevil has the same strenght as young WB
His VC says his stenght is comparable to pre-disease WB.
Everything point to Weevil being a dumber healthy WB, maybe without gura and avCOC
Which should still make him a low top tier, or an inbetweener at worst.
big mom got insane strength but shes dumb as well so that doesnt matter that much, around shiryu level make sense imo.
Nah, it's the contrast. Weevil was highly viewed by the majority of the fandom. He was at least put as a YC1 character and being Marco's enemy. Now suddenly, he's even below that according to clowns like you only because he lost to a top tier.

And the last one is obviously pure trolling af. Low tier bait as well. Try better.
Slow down a bit jester, I didn't mean to pick a fight...

I meant, Weevil was introduced strong. But I remember during his debut (in beginning of Zou arc, after Dressrosa arc ended), the regular consensus was Mihawk is first strongest Shichibukai, but the second is either Weevil or Doflamingo. People didn't really pick Weevil as 100% second strongest, people weren't sure about his exact powerlevel although he was said to be as strong as Young (not prime!!) Whitebeard.

Then after that, other big guy like YC3 Jack appeared with 1 billion bounty hype, and people weren't even sure that Weevil is > YC3 Jack. Iirc the majority even believed Jack > Weevil.

Then WCI arc came, Katakuri appeared and iirc majority would put Katakuri > Weevil.

Then Wano arc came, King made his debut embarassing Big Mom and half of her crew in an instant. Majority would put King > Weevil.

But now, after Jack is down, Katakuri is down, King is down, Queen is down, suddenly people pushing random characters to be "above YC1". First it was Seraphims > original Lunarian, then awakened Lucci and now Weevil. Now suddenly many characters are above YC1.
Weevil, despite doing nothing, kept getting stronger. From comparable to Doffy, comparable or weaker to Jack, weaker than Katakuri/King, now he is suddenly above King/Marco although you know, in this chapter Weevil didn't get any hype but instead got a blow, got captured by Ryokugyu. No way "Primebeard level" Weevil got captured by Ryokugyu, right?
I remember most of anti Doffy team always used to meme Doffy fans by saying "Doffy kept getting stronger despite doing nothing but sitting in prison", yeah that's what you guys are doing rn, with Weevil.

Again I don't really think if we can take Kizaru's words seriously. Beside the bs "shall I go to solo Kaido-BM alliance, Sakazuki", iirc the Navy are also noobs with their intel about exact powerlevel.
Xione made a thread about this, about how the Navy genuinely believed Buggy as Yonko level despite they already knew Buggy was a fraud during Marineford arc. So Kizaru hyping Weevil as "young Whitebeard" can't be taken as 100% truth.

Weevil might actually similar to young Linlin who destroyed Elbaf village, a Natural Born Monster with stupid brain. And young Linlin is not YC1 level.
Aramaki is not a saint. He could have threaten the civilians and weevil surrendered, who knows?
Why didn't he surrender against the fodder pirates, why didn't Miss bukkin just mentioned it?

This is grasping at straws for me tbh. If he did something that significant it would've been mentioned.

Some translators clearly said it's implied that weevil was no match for Ryokugyu

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Weevil suddenly got stronger despite doing nothing except getting captured by the Navy.

He went from "bit below Doflamingo" to "stronger than Doffy" and then suddenly now he is "stronger than YC1"...
And the same people like @Sentinel was bullying Sanjikun and Doffy fans for kept upping Doffy despite doing nothing. You guys are shameless
Topi why do you do this to yourself my man lmfao. Admiral hate has been known to drive men insane. Come back to the winning side. Lol
Let's go over Aramaki resume for just a moment:

1) Crushed and apprehended a warlord

2) Overwhelmed five Akazaya easily, three of whom (Denjiro, Inu, and Neko) were clearly high tiers

3) Beat up a yonko first commander and yonko second commander, called them bozos

4) Had essentially no damage after taking an ACOC strike to the dome and a blast breath

If it weren't for the Shanks incident, most people would probably have Aramaki as stronger than Fujitora and maybe even Kizaru.
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