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Stomping on King and Queen > failing to capture Jack with Sengoku, Tsuru, and a small fleet backing you up.

This should be obvious.
This topic again :seriously:

Genius, now tell me this.
Who dealt more damage, who should get the most claim for defeating Whitebeard in Marineford: Akainu or Blackbeard?
The one who turned Whitebeard into half dead zombie with evaporated head and some big holes in his body
Or Blackbeard who basically came only to finish the job?

The same happens to King.
Greenbull only faced broken wing, broken sword, bandaged King, not fresh King. But why did the claim go to Greenbull and not the one who made King into as bad condition as when Greenbull came to Wano?
Weevil was "only“ a Warlord .

He was compared to Whitebeard ,but that does not mean he is on the level of a Yonko .

and Weevil was the only former Warlord who faced an Admiral after the loss of his title .

The other warlords faced Vizeadmirals and Coby 
Warlord Title is just as important as yonko title tho

There are exceptions like Whitebeard and Mihawk who are pirate king level
Interesting part of the chapter is that Bakkin believes that Marco can save her son from Greenbull.

Marco is not a top tier so why is that case?:choppawhat: Maybe because Greenbull is not a top tier either.

If we are going to accept what the Admiral fans are claiming that Bakkin's statement about resistance being futile = Weevil got neg diffed, then it is either Weevil is not as strong as claimed or there are circumstances around the capture.
schizo, once imprisoned, Weevil is not gonna be with Greenbull 24/7. He's gonna be thrown in a cell.

We've seen weaker characters breaking out stronger characters multiple times
Also is Zoro even pushed back??

Zoro was mid air when be attacked serahawk and he was mid air after the clah?
He jumped in to be sword to sword with S-Hawk and at the end of the clash there’s a good bit of distance.

Hard to say whether he was pushed back or jumped back. He was probably pushed because as you said he was mid air and didn’t have a foothold to jump
S-Hawk was on the ground aiming an attack at Lillith. Zoro jumped into it and blocked it. Zoro then either jumped back or was pushed back while S-Hawk stood his ground. He was never in the air he’s just big.
Ahh I see you blind let me bring the panel for you

First panel in blue clearly shows his feat was above ground. When he clashed with zoro his feat was firmly placed into the ground (in red) while zoros feat were still in the exact spot in the air. Aint that hard to tell bro
He jumped in to be sword to sword with S-Hawk and at the end of the clash there’s a good bit of distance.

Hard to say whether he was pushed back or jumped back. He was probably pushed because as you said he was mid air and didn’t have a foothold to jump
Seems similar to Zoro vs Pica to me

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Boa lost to BB in the Battle, i think if an Admiral showed up to capture her instead of Vizeadmirals she would be captured .
Imagine Blackbeard ran into mihawk..he wouldn't make it out alive
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