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Admirals ars finished
A fleet an admiral + weevil had to protect his mom and the village
Weevil went with the marines to protect them
Goat character
Alright. Let's say you're right and the Admirals are actually finished. Why do you have to make so many posts about them.

Now, i know you'll just ignore this post, and come back with a low ig bait but the fact that the Admirals are living this rent free in your head shows that they're actually the opossite from finished.
Yes, he is and it isnt just a Tremor attack because tremor cant harm a logia. You are failing at basics. :milaugh:
Try to bring Meme, Kaido or King down with such attacks and you will see a difference.
I mean you already got to see just what kind of overwhelming power it takes to bring King down.
If WB's mere nameless slash did that to Blackbeard, can you imagine what Mihawk or Zoro's named attacks would do?
''nameless slash'' As if WB used any named attack on Marineford :kaidowhat:
Try to read manga troll, this is what WB's slash can do:

1 handed slash

BB take 2 handed slash.

BB taking a stronger slash than that can swat Lakainu's Magma Dog, then still shooting WB's ass with his pistols is actually proof that slashes can't do shit to him.
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