Biggest 2025 expectation?

  • Nami cutting her hair

    Votes: 21 13.4%
  • Shanks not having a twin

    Votes: 12 7.6%
  • Finding One Piece

    Votes: 7 4.5%
  • Imu face reveal

    Votes: 97 61.8%
  • Vegaskunk finally dying

    Votes: 20 12.7%

  • Total voters

Gorosei Informer

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Loving you memes and also be happy to have you around here, do it like this>if you not feel well>take a break and comeback like this time.
Artur Gorosei version looks boring and really not fit into Oda way, a reason why Oda is making the story and not Artur.
We speka here about Planet/God names guys, not different to Poseidon,Uranus or Pluton, god like powers. These above are boring and average(sry @TheAncientCenturion ).
They deserve crazy insane df powers :).

CoC: Color of Clowns

DNA are the Flowers of the Soul
Fun fact in regards to the Oden/Toki size-gap issue: in order to not deal with that in my own writing, I introduced Elastic Magic. When you're dealing with a bunch of different occult beings, sizes vary a lot, so... yeah. I guess that goes back to the balloon animal clown art you showed me yesterday.


In terms of One Piece's size gaps, though, I guess the women who are smaller than their men use Haki to... uh... reinforce... their... yeah.

I might post my first bit of Furry Fiction inspired by Mr. Reloaded's animal trial. Yeehaw.

Gorosei Informer

Loving you memes and also be happy to have you around here, do it like this>if you not feel well>take a break and comeback like this time.
Artur Gorosei version looks boring and really not fit into Oda way, a reason why Oda is making the story and not Artur.
We speka here about Planet/God names guys, not different to Poseidon,Uranus or Pluton, god like powers. These above are boring and average(sry @TheAncientCenturion ).
They deserve crazy insane df powers :).
Aye thats good advice man thank you. Al Sama gave me that advice too in the past, I should really act on it lol. The Jmena incident just really broke me so much emotionally and mentally, I felt so guilty over him because of my own personal issues with suicidal feelings and depression so I think it just hit me much harder than it would to anyone in general, who wasn't close with him either ofc.

I know you were good friends with him and you guys seem to be handling it better than I have but I'm such a Sanji IRL/emotional person, its so easy for me to overreact and go crazy especially with the severe anxiety issues I have too. I think it happening so soon after losing Kiri too was just a double whammy of gut punches emotionally too, I was still reeling over Kiri and then that happened. Not to mention I've had some serious IRL shit oing on too.

I'll keep it in mind though thanks man, I appreciate it! I'll just take quiet breaks and hover around to keep people informed if they wonder where I am whilst I'm gone temporarily again, whenever that inevitably is lmfao.

Glad you're loving the memes though, happy to hear that!

Yeah I like his ideas but it does feel quite "generic" and thus as you said boring, its very predictable and something you would see in other series, especially more battle focused series. Arturs ideas were pretty similar to the AOT lore I think too? The parallels of Umi and Ymir and such?
I liked his take, his ideas but I am adamant Oda can and will do something different, something unexpected and thus as usual, something we didn't think of lol.

Ahahaha poor TAC, what happened there?! I do like these names Artur gave them but since the Gorosei are the "Elder Stars" and space is gradually getting bigger importance and thus role in One Piece, which it inevitably will become the core focus of OP too, along with the sun and moon and such, naming the Gorosei after planets as well as making them named after gods too is far too perfect to be fair.

I would love for them all to get absolutely crazy DF powers too, DFs are one of my favourite aspects of OP and despite how utterly absurd some DF powers are getting, I do enjoy that insanity to some degree, that chaos and I want to see more of it too, I want to see that creativity and unpredictabilty too. I don't want to see Madara or Ywach levels of "Almighty" broken shit but I know its coming too inevitably and I wonder if we're gonna get to OPM and Gurenn Lagann type INSANE feats and scales where it goes Celestial/Universal/Planetary etc wahtever, which would fit for One Piece too?

Oda really wanted to make a sci-fi gundam/mecha whatever series in the past and had planned to do it after One Piece but thats out of the question by far now for him, so hes obviously compensating with it through OP and I can't blame him for that to some degree.

I miss the beautiful, grounded, unique, atmospheric simplicity of early OP and how truly pirate focused it was but this kind of extreme escalation, grand scaling or w/e always happens in long running Shonens, except for FMA I think, at least out of the ones I saw and can remember but it seems inevitably Oda would go down this road out of his love for Dragonball and other series and how extreme DB escalated especially from Z to Super and he might also be doing it because thats what Japan loves too, that big, flashy, ass kicking, loud chaos/anarchy, as its inspiring for them, that kind of heroic rebellious energy, and it serves as a treat for fans of series like Bleach, Naruto, Fairy Tail etc when their series ended and they needed something still on-going to compensate for them not running anymore too?

I also really prefer original Dragonball over the later series unsurprisingly and I sound like the grumpy boomers who complain about newer generations/music/technology and such but I understand them now too, I can understand why it appeals to them and becomes more important to them as time goes on and they get older. Never forget your roots as they say too.

Gorosei Informer

Fun fact in regards to the Oden/Toki size-gap issue: in order to not deal with that in my own writing, I introduced Elastic Magic. When you're dealing with a bunch of different occult beings, sizes vary a lot, so... yeah. I guess that goes back to the balloon animal clown art you showed me yesterday.


In terms of One Piece's size gaps, though, I guess the women who are smaller than their men use Haki to... uh... reinforce... their... yeah.

I might post my first bit of Furry Fiction inspired by Mr. Reloaded's animal trial. Yeehaw.
Hahahaha, I know exactly what you're Impalying (sticking with my Impa puns lol) and I've seen jokes like that for Toki and Stussy before but especially Rouge with holding Ace in her womb for so long (original user of the Gomu Gomu, the rest I leave to your imagination) and also why Big Mom could get away with having so many kids LMFAO!

There's a certain phrase that comes to mind...(Life finds a way) lol
