Uranus - Heavens*
Poseidon - Sea
Pluto - Underworld

*Jupiter aka Zeus is also the God of the Sky but the “sky” in reference to Uranus aka Ouranos is usually presented as more celestial.
I think you're wrong there. Oranos is literally the manifestation of Sky, like Poseidon is of Sea. Zeus, on the other hand, rules the Heavens (Mt Olympus) as he is the King of all Gods. Yes, Zeus does rule the sky, but he is not Sky itself.
Saturn - Liberation - Dark sun - Luffy
Mars - War - Sword - Zoro
Jupiter - Lightning - Zeus - Nami
Mercury - Trickery - Usopp
Venus - Love - Lucifer - Sanji
Saturn - Liberation - Dark sun - S-Shark - Jinbei

Mars - War - Sword - S-Hawk - Brook

Jupiter - Lightning - Uranus - Imu

Mercury - Trickery - S-Bear - Franky

Venus - Love - Lucifer - S-snake - Robin
I think you're wrong there. Oranos is literally the manifestation of Sky, like Poseidon is of Sea. Zeus, on the other hand, rules the Heavens (Mt Olympus) as he is the King of all Gods. Yes, Zeus does rule the sky, but he is not Sky itself.
Uranus is both the sky and it’s personification.
He DID rule the heavens like Kronos and Zeus. And the language surrounding him is generally more “above” or “heavenly” than that of Zeus.

It is a bit confusing. But we also need to remember that the Greeks had a completely different cosmology than what we now think.
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