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i think the thing that gets overlooked and underrepresented is the versatility of certain players makes this possible, and how town players react to those players is important.

theoretically in a new game a team with ratchet + ekko + muugen and others would've been heavily in their favor. why? well, i explained this earlier but it boils down to narrative. after this game, muugen is more likely able to lead town to a false sense of security because of his reads in this game being on point. there's a sense of security, like with prof, that allows some players to overlook certain things (see what happened with ratchet this game)

theoretically a team with flower + me + kurozumi wouldve had a pretty chance of a scum loss and a town win. we wouldn't have nearly as much pull and trust, which would reduce the chances of town potentially using us as a "safety net" and allow little control of the thread. flower's credibility sadly has been tarnished in this game and past games aswell, kurozumi's aggressive play wouldn't be trusted as a guiding voice, and people tend to fairly not really feel i am the best guidance
any scummy action presented in a write-up would be under heavy scrutiny, and claimed vig shots wouldn't be swept under the rug by "bad reads" - people would have a better sense of an agenda at play here

Mashiro Blue

𝓦𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝓾𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓪 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻 ✰
I owe you an apology, Waifubro. I opted to busdrive I think it was Sallu or Worst with you on the night you died. I thought you'd be a safe option and I was suspecting the worst to be something like a rolecrush for a phase which you would probably be immune to, but of course there ended up being a superkill. I was genuinely glad to see you had managed to win a few posts down, with us too in the end. We did help bankroll you too. Stopping all kills tho... the betrayal!
No worries waifubro. It was good either way because I wanted to take a break already xd

There was actually supposed to be a 2nd auction but there would be no kill stop this time around.

As Trivia the 2nd wincon was to find the One Piece.

Congratz on winning too :smoothy:
Indie roles


When were you under the impression this game is..

You are Shimotsuki Yoshitsune!​

[Passive - Master Swordsmith ] You are a master swordsmith, you have seen the essence of makes a sword and all swordsmen know of you. You are immune to all swordsmen in the game.

[Passive - Swords Shop ] At the start of the game, news of the opening of a sword shop will become known. Players who quote it may access your shop later that night. You can offer a varity of services in that shop ranging from:
- Repairs: You may repair a lost passive or ability from a player.
- Sharpen: You may render a players action unstopable.
- Renew: Refill an x shot for a player.

[Passive - Favorite customer ] At the end of the cycle you will receive a list of players who visited your shop and you will choose a favorite customer from one of them. As you do that you will adopt their wincon as your own and will need to help them fulfill it, they will also need to be alive at the end of the game.

[Passive - Living Legend ] The legend of the master swordsmith Yoshitsune goes far and wide, and the wider it goes the wilder it gets! Players talking about what abilities you might have during the day will incur a change in your role the following cycle.

[Active- Forging ] You may decide to add more services to your shop through this ability, this can be activated during the day and the chance in available offers will occur at night ( your new ability will replace one of the 3 on offer).

[Active- Tampered Blades ] Locked.

Wincon: Choose a favorite customer and help them win!
Secondary wincon: ???

Funds: 1000 Berries.

You are Silton!
[Passive - International Boutique] You are the owner of the famous international boutique of OP, you offer a wide variety of luxurious items that many a player would want to get their hands on. At the start of the game your boutique will open and player may visit it.

[Passive - Growing you business] Your abilities are linked to the amount of money you currently have. The more money you gain the more things you can do!

[Passive - Neutral Businessman] If you are targetted by a kill you will instead send a message to your attacker, informing them that you are merely here to make money and help everyone out with valuable treasure and items!

[Passive - International Trade] Trading items will be a thing in this game but players cannot do so without your say so, any trade that will happen will have to go ( anonymously) through you. You may impose any tax you wish for said trade.

[Active - Business Inquiry] Target a player and ask them if they want to enter business with you, if they say yes. You will gain a copy of any item they get.
---Cutting Ties--- You may choose to activate this ability on any given business partner and cut ties with them, taking any item they might have on them with you in the process.

[Active - Treasure Hunter Squad] Each Cycle you may send one squad of treasure hunters to any island in the One Piece world ( exception for New World Islands that unlock later), you will then RPS the host in a best of 3. If you win the first one you will gain a bronze quality treasure, if you win 2 a silver quality one, if you win 3 you will gain gold.
--- All in--- you may wish to RPS the host again if you won all 3 items to 1 round of RPS, if you win you will gain a legendary treasure + a pouch of 5000 Berries.

[Active - International Tax Law] You may activate this ability to incur a global tax onto the players, taking away 20% of their earnings.( 2 shot). Non refillable.

[Active - Underworld Auction] You may want to activate this ability to sell your accumulated bounty in a night phase threadwide auction, items will be put on display through you( you may create custom messages for each item and the host will send them) and the highest bidder for each one will win at the end of the night. During those festivities, all killshots will be banned.( 1 shot).

[Active - Treasure Find] Day 5 or later, you will automatically gain a Devil Fruit to sell.

Your actives will activate at the 2nd half of Day 1.

Wincon: Finish the game with 100000 Berries.
Secondary Wincon: ???

Starting Funds: 1000 Berries.

Current Funds: 50.600 Berries.


Grudge Seeking Curse: If you die to a lynch target your last voter with super roleblock that cannot be healed for a cycle.

Ancient Compass: Activate this to know the location of a devil fruit.

Talisman of the dead: Target a dead player and render them unable to revive

Hunter's Bow: Target a player and if they are a zoan super kill them

Forbidden knowledge: Make a deal with the sea god and receive a wish, for a price.

Mashiro Blue

𝓦𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝓾𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓪 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻 ✰
When I saw Juliet quoting the shops posts I was like "what? This is not Town Juliet. Her team probably asked her to do it"
Town roles part 1


When were you under the impression this game is..
Town Part 1

You are Commodore Tennet!

[Passive - Lone Swordsman] Commodore Tennet prefers to work alone, he will be unable to receive help of any sort from other players.

[Passive - Honed Spirit] Tennet's battle spirit is honed to it's zenith, he cannot be distracted from his goal. He is immune to redirect abilities, he also cannot be controlled.

[Passive - Martial Prowess] Tennet's ability with the sword is unmatched, if he target the same player twice he will break any type of active protection on them the second time.

[Active- Punishing Strikes] Tennet may target a player that participated in a mislynch and vote drain them for a phase.
---Quick Draw--- Tennet may target a player that he targetted with Punishins Strikes previously to permanently vote silence them for as long as he is alive.

[Active - Battle Stance] Tennet adopts this stance to ready himself for a future battle, any guilty player targetting him that phase will lose one of their passive abilities for a cycle.

[Active - Delayed Strike] Day 3 or later Tennet may activate this ability to target a player with a death mark, they will be targetted the following cycle with a kill. (2 shot)

[Active - Arcing Slash] Locked.

Funds: 1000 Berries.
Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.

You are The Hunter!​

[Passive - Exoskeleton] The Hunter possesses a super tough exterior, his abilities cannot be destroyed.

[Passive - adaptive shield] The Hunter will absorb the first 2 actions in the game that target him as a one shot, except for kills.

[Active - Redirecting Kick ] The Hunter may target a player at night and redirect the first kill targetting them towards someone else. ( 2 shot)

[Active - Overdrive] At night The Hunter goes into overdrive and pushes his exoskeleton to its limits. Allowing him to become super bulletproof that phase, this cannot be used in conjunction with any other ability. (2 shot)

[Active - Flaming Kick ] The Hunter's senses heighten, he will look for any suspicious activity. He will destroy any investigation attempt following the activation of this ability. ( 2 shot)

[Active - Boeuf Burst] Day 3 or later The Hunter may target a player and engage them in RPS, if he wins he will rolecrush them through immunities for a cycle, if he loses he will be roleblocked the following phase.( 2 shot)

Funds: 1000 Berries.
Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.

You are Brynn!​

[Passive - Strange Body] You possess a strange body, capable of taking a beating. You will tank the first kill on you or that you redirect towards yourself.

[Passive - Unusual Behavior] Brynn behaves in a very odd way in general, bystanders find him strange. Thus he cannot receive help from outsiders and is immune to control abilities.

[Passive - Logia but not really] Brynns fruit allows him to sustain serious damage, especially against devil fruit abilities. He will vote drain any fruit user targetting him the following day phase.

[Active - Kurouzu ] Brynn extends his arms towards an opponent and brings them towards him using his powers of darkness, forcefully redicting all their actions that phase towards Brynn.

[Active - Dark World ] Brynn may create a dark world around him, protecting him against harmful actions except kills for a phase. However whoever targets him is also protected. ( 3 shot)

[Active - Black Hole ] Brynn may create a black hole to absorb everything around him, this will absorb the first 2 votes that arent part of the main wagon that phase. He will then store them within this ability. (1 shot)
--- Release--- Brynn may choose to release those votes whenever he wants the following days, they will automatically be added to the main wagon at the time. (1 shot)
[Active - Dark End ] Target a player and RPS them, if you win Ultra Kill them. If you lose you become vanilla for 2 cycles. Usable Day 4 or later. ( 1 shot)

Funds: 2000 Berries
Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town but beware not to get greedy for more power.

You are Hell!
[Passive - Magu Magu No Mi] Any player targetting you with an offensive ability will have it disabled for a phase afterwards.

[Passive - Logia Intangibility] As a logia many things can just outright phase through you, you cannot be moved. You are immune to redirects.

[Active - Great Eruption] Target a player and burn them, they will lose an x shot of one of their abilities.

[Active - Magma Tunnel] You may commute yourself for a phase.( 1 shot)

[Active - Meigou] Target a player and challenge them to an RPS, if they win you become vanilla. If they lose, super kill them. (1 shot) Non refillable, Usable Day 3 or layer.

[Active - Meteor Shower] Locked.

Funds: 1000 Berries.
Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.

You are Taylor!

[Passive - Kage Kage No Mi] Taylor is the owner of the shadow shadow fruit, he is able to draw and control shadows from living creatures as well as imbue t hem into the dead to ressurect them. The nature of this fruit and the work required to use it to its full extent means that Taylor moves on the fringes of society, unliked. He scans guilty to investigation results and lie detects.

[Passive - Doppelman] Taylor may create a double of himself, allowing him to gain 2 vote power. However if he is targetted that day with any ability he will default to regular vp.

[Passive - Shadow storage] The potential of the shadow fruit is nearly infinite, his ability will grow stronger overtime. If the owners of the shadows Taylor received die they will join a special dead shadows chat.

[Active - Kagemusha] Taylor may target a player and swap places with them, bus driving in the process.

[Active - Kage Kiri] Target a player and cut out their shadow, storing it for a cycle. Max shadows stored at any given time is 3. A player who's shadow has been cut cannot vote against you. You will have your Kagemusha active disabled if this is maxed out.
---Shadow Transfer--- Taylor may choose to use one of his shadows each cycle to target a dead town role and control 2 of their active abilities at random for a phase.

[Active - Advanced Kage Kiri] Taylor may target a non town lynched role and absorb a 1 shot ability from them.( 3 shot) Cannot be used in conjunction with Kage Kiri the same cycle.

[Active - Shadow Asgard] Taylor may activate this ability to randomly fully absorb all the active abilities of one dead role in the game as one shots. These one shots only last a cycle, afterwards they are gone. You cannot use these one shots in combo with abilities you might get from the Kage Kiri abilities that cycle.(1 shot) Usable Day 4 or later.

Funds: 1000 Berries.
Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.

You are Eiglaf!
[Passive - Kuma Kuma no Mi, Model: Arctodus] Eiglaf ate the anciant zoan of the short faced bear, as such he possesses immense toughness and is bullet proof. This passive will go on cooldown for a cycle if he is targetted by a kill.

[Passive - Zoan Awakening ] Eiglaf will regenerate any lost ability after a cycle.

[Passive - Instinctual Response ] Eiglaf vote power is 2 after his bulletproof passive goes on cooldown.

[Active - Increased Sense of Smell ] Target a player and learn who visited them that night.

[Active - Stand Guard ] Eiglaf may choose to guard a target player, protecting them from rolecrushes for a phase.

[Active - Hibernate ] Eiglaf may choose to hibernate, restoring his bulletproof passive but being unable to use any other action. ( 1 shot)

[Active - Swipe ] Eiglaf may target a player and knock out any item they may have.

Death Wish- Locked.

Funds: 1000 Berries.
Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.

You are John Cena!

[Passive - Wrestlers Attire] John Cena always walks around wearing his wrestling attire, even in public and people avoid him for that, he will reject any neighbor char.

[Passive - You can't see me!] When John Cena performs an action it is hard for players to dicern them, thus his actions will always find their target.
---You can't see me! 2.0--- John Cena may activate this ability to quite literally disapper for a phase, avoiding all actions. Exceptions may apply.( 1 shot)

[Active - German Supplex] John Cena may target a player and supplex them into the ground. Challenging them to an RPS match, if he wins he will roleblock the first action they use the following phase.

[Active - Body Slam] John Cena may target someone at night and body slam them, freeing them from any control abilities.

[Active - Chokeslam] John may target a player that cause a mislynch to chokeslam them, disabling their 2 of their abilities for a phase. You may not use this and German Supplex during the same cycle.

Funds: 1000 Berries.
Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.

You are Erika!​

[Passive - Obscure Past] Nobody knows of Erika's past before she became a bounty hunter, its shrouded in mystery. Any investigation attempt will fail on her. She also cannot be controlled. She may not reveal this passive in the thread.

[Passive - Bounty Hunter Association] Erika starts the game Super bullet proof thanks to the presence of other Bounty Hunters in the game, however this passive will downgrade to a bulletproof passive once a bounty hunter dies and will be lost following another death.
---Bounty Knowledge--- Erika's vote counts for 0 against major game threats.

[Passive - Portable Shield Device] Erika is always protected by her trusty man made force shield, she will block the first action targetting her each cycle with the exception of rolecrushes.

[Passive - Observation Haki] Erika has developped her color of observation enough so that she can dodge any roleblock coming her way and will learn of the first person targetting her with a negative action.

[Active - Spining Spear] Erika assumes a spinning spear form to deflect incoming attacks, while in this form she is immune to rolecrushes but will not be able to kill. She also becomes vulnerable to roleblocks that phase.(1 shot)

[Active - Cloak and Dagger] At night Erika targets a player's weak points with her dagger, regular killing them.
--- Increased lethality--- If half the town dies Erikas cloak and dagger can be upgraded to a super kill.( 1 shot)

[Active - Heart Strike] Day 3 or later Erika may target a player and RPS them, if they win she will become rolecrushed for a cycle. If she wins she will super kill them. ( 1 shot)

[Active - Vacation Break] Erika may choose to on vacation for a cycle,becoming immune to votes.(1 shot)

Funds: 1000 Berries
Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.

You are Scholazar!​

[Passive - Hito Hito No Mi, Model: Vayu] After eating the god of wind mythical zoan, Scholazar is able to control wind as he pleases. This affinity with the wind allows him to evade the first negative action targetting him each cycle. Excluding kills.
---Haki God--- Scholazar will bounce back the first devil fruit attack aimed at him every 2 cycles.

[Passive - Zoan] As part of the zoan class you possess incredible stamina, thus you cannot lose your vote power nor can you be thread silenced.

[Active - Wind Buffet] Scholazar may target a player and emit strong wind waves towards them, this will knock the player back and prevent him from using any harmful actions that phase.

[Active - Tornado ] Scholazar may launch a tornado at a player, this will prevent them from looking for items for a cycle.

[Active - Eye of The Storm] Scholazar may target a player and design them as the eye of the storm, any action used that night will target them. Some exceptions might apply.( 1 shot) Non refillable.

Funds: 1000 Berries.
Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.

Vice-Admiral Tokito!

[Passive - Future Observation] Vice- Admiral Tokito will know of the first writeup that has been tampered with each cycle, he is also able to dicern if there are any traps laying around in the thread.

[Passive - Grizzled Veteran] Vice- Admiral has been doing his job for ages, he knows to differentiate good vs evil. His vote counts for 0 on an innocent wagon.

[Active - Gravity Shield] Tokito may target a player and deploy a shield around them, he will learn of the first player visiting them that night.( 2 shot)
---Gravity Crush--- On Odd nights Tokito may target a player at night and kill them, cannot be used in conjunction of Gravity Shield or Raging Tiger. ( 2 shot)

[Active - Levitate] Tokito may target and levitate them, rendering them immune to roleblocks for a phase.( 2 shot)

[Active - Meteorite fall] Tokito may target the lynch stand and drop a meteor on it, canceling the lynch for that day.( 1 shot)

[Active - Raging Tiger] Activating this allows Tokito to redirect the first action targetting him at random.( 1 shot)

Funds: 1000 Berries.
Wincon: Eliminate all threats to town.


i think the thing that gets overlooked and underrepresented is the versatility of certain players makes this possible, and how town players react to those players is important.

theoretically in a new game a team with ratchet + ekko + muugen and others would've been heavily in their favor. why? well, i explained this earlier but it boils down to narrative. after this game, muugen is more likely able to lead town to a false sense of security because of his reads in this game being on point. there's a sense of security, like with prof, that allows some players to overlook certain things (see what happened with ratchet this game)

theoretically a team with flower + me + kurozumi wouldve had a pretty chance of a scum loss and a town win. we wouldn't have nearly as much pull and trust, which would reduce the chances of town potentially using us as a "safety net" and allow little control of the thread. flower's credibility sadly has been tarnished in this game and past games aswell, kurozumi's aggressive play wouldn't be trusted as a guiding voice, and people tend to fairly not really feel i am the best guidance
any scummy action presented in a write-up would be under heavy scrutiny, and claimed vig shots wouldn't be swept under the rug by "bad reads" - people would have a better sense of an agenda at play here
flowers credibility here had nothing to do with previous games it’s how she present herself that came off scum especially when after every new piece of info it was changed or her and indigo kept contradicting each other and themselves so it was hard to even trust them. Especially when they began trying to make false opinions sound like absolute truths.

flower honestly would’ve been good if she just learns how to not let her emotions get the best of her. cause she will go into this hissy fit and no one likes that.
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