Speculations Strawhat Bounties same order..

The answer is obvious troll, lmao you didn't understand? It would be lower.

His bounty is boosted because Marines thinks Buggy is stronger than Mihawk and Mihawk is working for a guy who is equal to Yonko level (and any Yonko is stronger than Mihawk)

If Mihawk become captain he wouldn't be a Yonko since there is no one who is on Yonko level anymore (since they think it was Buggy) and so his bounty would be lower than before.

BB's first Yonko bounty was 2.2, for sure if Mihawk become Captain he wouldn't even be Yonko for the reasons above and it would be lower.

You can't be fr
So there we have it. He says it would be lower. :saden:

You brought up BB's lowly 2.2B as a Yonko with L6 impel down prisoners as his crew, a shit ton of territories, wiping WB and his crew....and yet Mihawk has 3.6B for drinking wine and cooking.

So Buggy boosted Mihawk's bounty by almost 2B?

Just when I thought you couldn't possibly get any more chromosomes than you already have. :shame:
You still talking nonsense about the crews which is already debunked.

- Every important crew member gets separate big bounties because they don't boost the captain bounty, they get ''separate'' individual bounties.

- Oda said in SBS underlings gets boosted by Yonko captain even if they do nothing. Its not the otherway around.

- Croco was called for his leadership and intelligence abilities in Cross Guild, he can be the leader and still gets 1.9 billion, the ''captain'' is only gets bigger because the assumption is always captain strength > underling strength.

This is the general perception, captain = strength.

Leadership abilities etc doesn't get Croc over 2 billion, its only 1.9 billion, only strength does which is why Buggy got 3.1 billion for being stronger than Mihawk as Mihawk's captain, while Mihawk's bounty is extra boosted for joining someone who is said to be stronger than himself. Its simple troll.
I know it hurts Mihawk avatar fanboys.

Thats how it is. Buggy gets bigger bounty than BB's first Yonko bounty and bigger than current Yonko Luffy's bounty for being stronger than Mihawk, you can't spin around this fact.

Being Yonko doesn't boost bounty FranoL don't understand this simple fact as well, Law and Kid have equal bounty to 'Yonko' Luffy's.
You still talking nonsense about the crews which is already debunked.

- Every important crew member gets separate big bounties because they don't boost the captain bounty, they get ''separate'' individual bounties.

- Oda said in SBS underlings gets boosted by Yonko captain even if they do nothing. Its not the otherway around.

- Croco was called for his leadership and intelligence abilities in Cross Guild, he can be the leader and still gets 1.9 billion, the ''captain'' is only gets bigger because the assumption is always captain strength > underling strength.

This is the general perception, captain = strength.

Leadership abilities etc doesn't get Croc over 2 billion, its only 1.9 billion, only strength does which is why Buggy got 3.1 billion for being stronger than Mihawk as Mihawk's captain, while Mihawk's bounty is extra boosted for joining someone who is said to be stronger than himself. Its simple troll.

I know it hurts Mihawk avatar fanboys.

Thats how it is. Buggy gets bigger bounty than BB's first Yonko bounty and bigger than current Yonko Luffy's bounty for being stronger than Mihawk, you can't spin around this fact.

Being Yonko doesn't boost bounty FranoL don't understand this simple fact as well, Law and Kid have equal bounty to Luffy's.
You sound so fucking stupid 🀣
I'm not here sitting in momma's basement crying day n night about a character, making dozen of threads. Making multiple posts on his own profile as a sore loser about how many self proclaims win I've
It looks like those threads make you cry so you can keep crying all you want. If you can't handle other people's opinions due to being a Mihawk fanboy you will keep crying all the time, especially when its revealed that Mihawk isn't as strong as Yonko. :kuzanshut:
It looks like those threads make you cry so you can keep crying all you want. If you can't handle other people's opinions due to being a Mihawk fanboy you will keep crying all the time, especially when its revealed that he isn't as strong as Yonko. :kuzanshut:
Have you seen people crying after seeing a clown perform? 🀀 if yes then I might cry like as you said 😳
Have you seen people crying after seeing a clown perform? 🀀 if yes then I might cry like as you said 😳
You are the little troll that who can't produce any argument so only cry without talking about One Piece. That happens when you get butthurt over a fictional character and talk about the users instead of talking about the argument, biggest L catcher is the type of trolls like you.:suresure:
Either of three could've been a Yonko with crocodile having the slightest chance.
Mihawk who has been declared stronger than Shanks making Buggy bowdown to his authority would've easily made him a Yonko.
Not really they said Buggy was Shanks' rival when they were on the pirate king ship.. Meaning they are close in power..
Meaning from their perspective Mihawk and Buggy a comparable in power..
You are the little troll that who can't produce any argument so only cry without talking about One Piece. That happens when you get butthurt over a fictional character and talk about the users instead of talking about the argument, biggest L catcher.:suresure:
Why do I even need to argue with a stubborn clown who deny anything that contradicts his headcanon 🀀
Post something substantial that adds up to your claim then only you'll have a real argument, otherwise you will keep on making a fool out of yourself 🀀
Why do I even need to argue with a stubborn clown who deny anything that contradicts his headcanon 🀀
Post something substantial that adds up to your claim then only you'll have a real argument, otherwise you will keep on making a fool out of yourself 🀀
But instead you keep answering my posts to cry more which shows your hypocrisy, if there is any clown its the one who can't even produce any argument you troll. If you weren't crying you would't be insecure enough to shit posting a simple argument would be more than enough but obviously you troll can't do shit, its obvious so stfu and spare me from your shit posts.:goyea:



Thats not how the bounties work. Alber's and Queen's bounties were extra boosted due to Kaido, and Alber's Lunarian and Queen's Mads factor, just like Mihawk got boosted for Marine Hunting + Cross Guild and the guy who is said to be stronger than Mihawk as Mihawk's captain gets lower bounty than Mihawk.

Alber, and Queen are all around Latakuri, so Latakuri around bounty is enough for them.
Nope this exactly how bounty works. If you defeated someone with a bounty then you get a raise for that. Exception was only Moriah fight and now Kaido because Oda want protagonists to remain as underdog till the end.
Nope this exactly how bounty works. If you defeated someone with a bounty then you get a raise for that. Exception was only Moriah fight and now Kaido because Oda want protagonists to remain as underdog till the end.
This you:
''Sanji and Zoro defeated pirates worth 1.3bi and you are speculating that Luffy defeated Kaido. Their bounties will be more than those who got defeated''
This is how bounty works. Oda messing up for plot narrative doesn't change that.
No it doesn't lmao. I told you first time looks like you still want more Ls.

Oda said in SBS, Crocodile's active bounty would be minimum 162 million, (twice of his passive 81 million bounty), at that time, and Luffy got only 100 million bounty for beating Crocodile.

Moria's bounty is 320, and Luffy got only 300 million bounty for beating him.

Enjoy your extra Ls.