Sorry for the gowin point, but would you say the same if Hitler was still alive and kicking and was writing a wonderful book.. would you buy this book ?
The point of giving you the context is to avoid that you finance toxic campaign that can be harmfull for people. That's all..
THing is.. I had already replied to you. I was just ex tending the subject with a question, so no, not a whataboutism, sorry mate.
You stil haven't answered the question.
The purpose of this question is to see if you are coherent in your ideology.
Sociology is a sciencitif practice mate.. I know you have hard time understanding soft sciences but they do exist.
Wrong. Gender disphoria is not something you learn.
Yes there is.
Not really. What I said is the following:
You can play and buy the game it's ok. What is not would be to claim to support transpeople by buying the game which is against the support of trans people.
I'll not buy the game, I'll pirate it.
Bah non..
I'll not stream it dude..
In some situation, yes.
Rowling is not a leftist, never was. She is a terf, that's a right wing indeology.
This is called queer baiting
Maybe .. just maybe if people start being nice, there won't be any debate anymore...
Just a thought..