Do what you want :)
Like I said, this is a volontary fallacious comparison. The point is to make you understand the principle of financing bad ideology.
If you udnerstand that for the moustachu, you should understand that for Rowling.
I know.
But I'll do it anyway to make the point. As this is important to understand.
Me ? A pro Nazi ? WTF ?
Are you sure you don't have a mirror in your hands here ?
I already know your right wing tendancies so I would say I'm surprised but I'm not.
Yes, by buying the game you will automatically finance JKR and her transphobia. Don't try to deny it that's just a fact.
Now, if that's something you don't care at all, be my guest. I won't jump on your back.
I know you are scared but stop your confusionnistic BS please.
So... if racism comments are not a normal opinion to have. Why transphobe comments would be different ?
Granted, this was kind of fallacious on my part.. but the point is to understand the importance of not financing toxic ideologies, so its a perfectly legitimate question.
Listen.. no one is saying the opposite mate.
We all understand that we cannot change biology. Trans people can't change who they are and the gender they indentify to.. What you don't understand.. is that GENDER.... =/= .... SEX.
Sex = Uncompass all the particularities of one's body (male genitalia, Inter Sex chromosoms, Female breasts etc.) it's NOT one single thing.
Gender = What you are identifying as based on the gender construction of society. (scientists have yet to understand the biological nature of this phenomenon)
The problem is that because society push doctors to assign a gender at birth to babies because of certain physical cahracteristic (male or female) they fallaciously assign a gender that can sometime be in opposition to the actual gender of the person.
So.. if you are assigned the gender "man" at birth but your body tells you that you are feeling like a women, then you have gender Disphoria which can be fixed by transitionning and a number of things :
- New name
- New sociolization
- clothing
Actually you are right here.
Those are militant terms, looking and those post I can understand that you are not aware of those:
Here is what terfism is:
here is what queer baiting is:
can you be civil please ?
Do you want me to start on this subject ? You are not ready for that.
Stories are political.