Honestly this is often given as a giveaway of racist or whatever phobic. But isn’t having a friend with whom you have good relations with a sign that everything isn’t black and white ?

On the other hand, usually « that friend » feels off in that friendship. Always risky to bring it up like that as a stand-alone argument
Fake friendships are a thing
Even among children
You'll find the most racist kids having friends of a race/ethnicity that they despise

ok now lets look at that from the side of "my people"

- imagine that you wake up in a body opposite to what you are
- you try to get back to what gender you always had, let's give here the trans fem example, you are on medication, try your best to have a good passing (fitting visually and all to the gender you associate with), got even through operations by far and all
- you politely enter the bathroom minding your own business but you get kicked out
- you try again you get kicked
- you try than in shame already humiliated a toilet you never wanted to visit again, the men toilet
- you get kicked out as well
- you can't use any of them
- they tell you to use a bathroom for "others"
- like if you didn't belonged between people
- like if no one really took you as a woman even if you are one

and for trans fem it is even harder to pass for many times due to that it's much harder to take back or at least lower down what testosterone done to your body through those years than for a trans masc to now get testo, get lower voice and have body shape and all changed to more masculine
Sadly, that's how the world works. You have things that you have no control over, but you have to deal with it. An individual personal choice should never trespass the moral of the community.

A psycopath having a habit of killing people isnt justified just because the psycopath want to
An ordinary man having high level of testosterone showing agression isnt justified just because he has high level of testosterone
Someone young identifying himself to be older than 35 yo so he can elect to be a president isnt justified just because he feels like he was born in the wrong time

You want a solution? Then build toilets made for yourselves, you have a community. Also, maybe stop having outrageous thought so you can stop getting ridiculed, the leftists here literally think that simply feeling uncomfortable that your mother/sister be in a changing-room with a random who identify themselves as a woman with XY chromosome is a bad thing lol
Sadly, that's how the world works. You have things that you have no control over, but you have to deal with it. An individual personal choice should never trespass the moral of the community.

A psycopath having a habit of killing people isnt justified just because the psycopath want to
An ordinary man having high level of testosterone showing agression isnt justified just because he has high level of testosterone
Someone young identifying himself to be older than 35 yo so he can elect to be a president isnt justified just because he feels like he was born in the wrong time

You want a solution? Then build toilets made for yourselves, you have a community. Also, maybe stop having outrageous thought so you can stop getting ridiculed, the leftists here literally think that simply feeling uncomfortable that your mother/sister be in a changing-room with a random who identify themselves as a woman with XY chromosome is a bad thing lol

Did you just compare trans people to psychopathic murderers?!?
no because its fucking dumb comparing trans people to fucking murderers
The point is not trans people is as bad as murderers

The point is, trans people insisting to go to the toilet they want should be accepted which is a detoriation to the moral of the community. Psycopath murdering people should not be accepted because it is highly against the moral of the community? Need more spoonfeeding?

You could also very well just move on to the other examples lmao
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"Trans people = outrageous thoughts"

Bruh I can't even
So I feeling uncomfortable that my mother is in the same changing-room with a random with XY chromosome, with just the two of them alone, is a bad thing??