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Funny part
- Zoro wanted to go search for Vegapunk but they didn't want him to get lost as always

- Sentomaru want's the Pacifista to help straw gang to escape by fighting the Ships that coming to Egghead or something like that
Can we have more info on the "not funny" part instead ? :josad::josad:
Yea let us waste time on Pacifista when there are Seraphims. So Vegapunk has counter measures for Pacifista but he isn't smart enough to place counter measures for Seraphim?

Search for Vegapunk?? When did this guy disappear?? Lmfao! I don't even remember him disappearing. Wasn't he with Sanji group last time and with Bonney and now Oda made him disappear??

Oda needs to hurry up and get this Kuma backstory finished already.

How does Morgan know Vegapunk is being kidnapped? Is Oda again making the world government even more incompetent?
The pacifista are there to be destroyed, the Strawhats won't be captured and the Seraphim are too strong.
Saturn is literally not strong, it's not that hard to grasp:endthis:
People will find the most bland looking character in the verse and say he is stronger than kizaru when he doesn't even pass the cd test, this fandom is so unhinged it's insane, Luffy and zoro are gonna tag team against kizaru and there is nothing y all can do about it:endthis:
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