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Walpol stole Vivi and sold the information to Morgans that she was a former straw hat 🤣🤣🤣

Oda managed to kill off every single interesting thing that happened in the Reverie LOL
Mihawk is a very irrelevant and unimportant character overall so you mentioning him in the same sentence as Sanji is disgusting

Only one garbage excuse of a character cares for him
you‘re right bro
We should discuss how Sanji is gonna fuck Imu up before Sanji will be claimed as strongest character ever existing after Goofy Luffy [unfortunately Sanji will share his 2nd place with Xebec]
you‘re right bro
We should discuss how Sanji is gonna fuck Imu up before Sanji will be claimed as strongest character ever existing after Goofy Luffy [unfortunately Sanji will share his 2nd place with Xebec]
I’m not even saying I want sanji to be that strong
All I’m saying is he’s stronger than Zoro and will defeat an admiral and yonko by eos
Oda actually ruined the Reverie ffs

All we have left is Shanks Gorosei and Imu Straw Hat

How can Walpol be the one who steals Vivi of all characters 🤣🤣. Fucking pointless and not even funny
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