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Because it doesn't make sense. He literally stated he was running out there to help Zoro. He rescues Edison, lands by Zoro now instantly changes his mind and leaves again? Needs more context than just looking for VP or it's completely redundant for the first action.
What doesn't make sense though? He doesn't change his mind, there is nothing to do outside anymore, Seraphim are under control. He doesn't need to be there anymore. Zoro and Luffy need to be there for the eventual Kizaru clash.
Because it doesn't make sense. He literally stated he was running out there to help Zoro. He rescues Edison, lands by Zoro now instantly changes his mind and leaves again? Needs more context than just looking for VP or it's completely redundant for the first action.
Oda just didn't wanted to get him involved here that's it:endthis:
What doesn't make sense though? He doesn't change his mind, there is nothing to do outside anymore, Seraphim are under control. He doesn't need to be there anymore. Zoro and Luffy need to be there for the eventual Kizaru clash.
Luffy who was across the building? Obviously things happened in between that are important. And unless Luffy and Zoro know Kizaru is coming which no one has stated to know yet, then Oda literally moved two Knights and the King (more like queen) piece out to the middle of the freaking chess board, had no opponents but decided to move a knight back for no reason at all.
Vegapunk probably in memory world with Bonney or he teleport and ain't on Egghead anymore
CoO doesn't help
BTW Sanji is the one who will find him
I don't think it's literally a "world" or separate dimension. I think it's more of a set of memories that Bonney is experiencing inside her head. Otherwise it's too broken of an ability and won't make much sense.
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