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*Same Level* Bounty- not same.. Opponents- Not same. Feats- not same. Oda shows Zolo and Sanji on the same level. You must be either bland or lack brain. What a delusional take. Dont talk about Two piece loser, Luffy is portrayed as like 100 times stronger than ZOLO while Zolo is like 1.5 times weaker than Sanji.
Guffy is a Tard & Simpji is Træns. It's Canon.
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Also do you mean Ace fighting Smoker? Because that was retconned.
Unless you think Smoker would be able to fight Sickbeard... Fight Blackbeard.. Jinbe.. etc. Like Ace has done?
Never saw a clash between Fire and Sand Logia users.
Didn’t Ace destroy an entire fleet of ships with a single fire fist
But yeah there are godly logias like C3 and Enel but sand and fire are pretty broken too
Didn’t Ace destroy an entire fleet of ships with a single fire fist
But yeah there are godly logias like C3 and Enel but sand and fire are pretty broken too
I meant their users.
Caesar is a bum.
Enel is a bum.
Crocodile is admittedly strong.
Ace too but he's gone.
Admiral trio is strong.
Caribou is ass.
Smoker is fodder.
Aramaki is wood for the fireplace :myman::saden:

The one that reigns supreme is the paper logia fr fr Pasa Pasa no Mi,Treasure of the Nanatsu Islands.
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