Thats what
@Shiroyru said, it’s Erkan begging his subordinates to give him likes and rig polls. Lol
Which is almost as pathetic as
@Sasaki Kojirō creating alt accounts to fake his own credibility. Lol
First of all I don't have subordinates, don't mistake people with your pathetic Ladmiral wanker minions.
And the pathetic thing here:
1- Lying about me that as if I kicked out someone alone, when everyone wanted to kick that liar out, thats how butthurt and pathetic behaviour from Shiroyru. He simply proved we were right about him.
2- And again lying about me that as if I was asking for likes

First of all, if that was true why that liar didn't complain about that before and wanted to stay in there despite we told him gtfo? And also I asked that liar to show the screenshot where I was asking for the likes but he never showed it, thats how a big liar and pathetic he is, and he proved that we were right about him since he directly went to cry to Ladmiral fanboys once he got kicked out, derailed his own thread about a simple PM, and even lied about people due to his butthurt, same pathetic behaviour for you believing a liar without even asking for proof, you are no different shape shifter ''Gorosei Lee''.
Actually this is not a topic that requires any attention, I am just answering this once since you guys keep crying about me since 2 days we kicked out that liar.
And let me preface this by saying I do believe you don't care too much about likes cause you wouldn't be shitting on Zoro every chance you get here.
You listen your boy Zenzu,
@Gorosei Lee Hung , he showed a little better IQ than you with this take, otherwise you will keep getting Ls like even your own ally Linyagi stomped you in your own pathetic Ladmiral thread.
Now the actual question, between Zoro and Sakazuki who do you hate more? I have never in my life seen such dedicated hate for 2 characters but there has to be one at the top even if it's by 0.00001%. Pretend these are the last 2 characters remaining for COTY and you had to vote 1, who you voting for?
As Tejas said, he gave the answer.
Zolo is Luffy's underling.
Red Dog is Gorosei or Imu's underling.
To hate these character I must hate their leaders first they only follow orders, why would I hate them they are inferior underlings. The problem is always people who can't read and wanks those inferior characters, it has nothing to do with the characters.