Doesn't make it more ethical, no?
I think we left ethics long ago. OP is morally grey wherever you turn.

And is helping parents to have kids a bad thing? It's possible if it's a huge sample data of DNA that he can mix and match (differences between Kuina and Tashigi) and create a new kid that's not completely a copy. In that, it'd be a godsend for sterile parents in that world.

Genetically created kids that are created for loving parents are better than organic kids genetically altered to be weapons for a hateful parent.
I don't read/owe Twitter. Fuck that place.

Where is manga atm btw? Did they enter Blue intro or it's still too early?
The fight with tatsumaki started, for some reason one retconned it again and add some romance, I don't know what's happening to this guy but it seems like he just want to make his manga mid, first garou is transformed into a soulless bum and now that, yea he ain't cooking shit:endthis: