Not including blackbeard unless you think he and luffy will still have a rival like relationship after they fight. Personally see bb more as his xebec than whitebeard
Just because luffy has a faster growth rate doesn't mean nobody else will be able to eventually catch up. Like i still believe koby has the potential to reach even garp
Imo each Generation has "Greatest" Pirate & "Strongest" Pirate
It has nothing to do with Position, Rank, Influence or Story Role, it's just about what they represent among Pirates
I don’t think Roger really considered Whitebeard as an enemy to be honest. They would have drinks on occasions and discuss things, which is something Luffy and Blackbeard would ever do.
Blackbeard is not even close to a Whitebeard parallel. He’s, like, the complete opposite of him. White (Light), Black (Darkness). Who knows if that was Oda’s intentions or not.
I don’t think there will be such a parallel. Luffy is different than Roger, and not everything needs to happen twice.
…I can’t really think of anyone. Koby would kinda work (more so as a Garp parallel) but he’s a Luffy fanboy who’s a Marine. There’s no character in the story who’s like Whitebeard, and I don’t think Luffy has an actual rivals besides maybe Law and Kid.
Katakuri is another one I just thought of, but he can’t be considered a rival if he can’t even leave his own island, can he?
I don’t think Whitebeard‘s goal was ever to find the One Piece. Ace always wanted to make him the King of the Pirates, but that wasn’t what Whitebeard himself wanted. He just wanted a family, and his family was all that mattered to him.
Imo each Generation has "Greatest" Pirate & "Strongest" Pirate
It has nothing to do with Position, Rank, Influence or Story Role, it's just about what they represent among Pirates
Why exclude blackbeard from the mid gen
Also im specifically talking about rivals. Zoro is more so luffys rayleigh
Just because luffy has a faster growth rate doesn't mean nobody else will be able to eventually catch up. Like i still believe koby has the potential to reach even garp
But how strong will Luffy be by the time Koby reaches Garp's level?
And to be honest, I don't see the story leading to Kobe becoming that strong.
My problem with this is that Oda already had a huge number of opportunities to show off these opponents/near equals but in the end Luffy still shines brightest by a huge gap.
Law and Luffy in DR.
Law/Kid and Luffy in Wano.
Damn Luffy one shot supposedly his Garp of this generation twice and their current difference is just monstrous.
Oda loves Luffy too much and I don't understand how anyone can compete with him after he defeats the "godlike" Imu.
Dude, it doesn't matter since when he was a Pirate, if we use that Logic, then He is from Roger's Gen, since he was Active since then too.
Characters belong to the Generation when they achieved Fame & Status.
Blackbeard is from Worst Generation just like Luffy, Law & Kid
Also, you're asking for Roger's WB, not any Rival
Cuz Xebec was also said to be a Rival of Roger, same for Shiki
We aren't looking for any Rivals here, we are looking for a Rival who can replace WB's Shoes as Strongest Pirate
And i answered you:
When Roger was Greatest Pirate, WB was Strongest Pirate
Currently Shanks is Greatest Pirate, Mihawk is Strongest Pirate
In the Future, when Luffy becomes Greatest Pirate, Zoro will be Strongest Pirate (It's literally their Dreams to Surpass the Two above)
It looks like people didn't understand what WB's function was in the series so you are searching for a replacement.
''Sat before the throne but never upon it''
WB was a placeholder for Roger's throne until he gave up on his seat and told his men to follow Luffy instead during the war.
Does Luffy need a placeholder after he dies? Thats what you basically asking. Pirate era will probably finish after Luffy dies so no need for a WB replacement.
Roger's greatest foe was Xebec not WB according to Sengoku:
Then second was WB for a while until Roger become PK, then it was over.
BB is the combination of both Xebec's and WB's legacy. Only that BB won't be a placeholder like WB after Luffy dies. And there won't be any need for placeholder as well since everything will be different.
I wouldn’t say he’d have a WB though I do believe BB will be his Xebec. I expect Kidd to be the rival that will have a grand duel w him when he catches up at some point we’ll see.
But how strong will Luffy be by the time Koby reaches Garp's level?
And to be honest, I don't see the story leading to Kobe becoming that strong.
My problem with this is that Oda already had a huge number of opportunities to show off these opponents/near equals but in the end Luffy still shines brightest by a huge gap.
Law and Luffy in DR.
Law/Kid and Luffy in Wano.
Damn Luffy one shot supposedly his Garp of this generation twice and their current difference is just monstrous.
Oda loves Luffy too much and I don't understand how anyone can compete with him after he defeats the "godlike" Imu.
Personally once luffy beats the final villain i don't see him growing that significantly after. While i can see other characters taking a bit longer like koby. Idk if i believe prime luffy can mid diff or something someone as see strong as garp
Luffy will always be the bigger deal and stronger but that doesn't mean he wont have rivals
Dude, it doesn't matter since when he was a Pirate, if we use that Logic, then He is from Roger's Gen, since he was Active since then too.
Characters belong to the Generation when they achieved Fame & Status.
Blackbeard is from Worst Generation just like Luffy, Law & Kid
Also, you're asking for Roger's WB, not any Rival
Cuz Xebec was also said to be a Rival of Roger, same for Shiki
We aren't looking for any Rivals here, we are looking for a Rival who can replace WB's Shoes as Strongest Pirate
And i answered you:
When Roger was Greatest Pirate, WB was Strongest Pirate
Currently Shanks is Greatest Pirate, Mihawk is Strongest Pirate
In the Future, when Luffy becomes Greatest Pirate, Zoro will be Strongest Pirate (It's literally their Dreams to Surpass the Two above)
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