That's nice. Many networks don't offer a roll data option—the unused data expires at the end of the month. What's the average speed like on mobile? Is it 5G?
yh i have a 5G, however it took me a year and a half to realise that i had the option for it (i didnt turn it on) :josad::kobeha:

also i was planning to get the 13 pro cus i can upgrade my 12 after 2 years (been over 2 years now) and its been out of stock for 3 fucking weeks now :kriwhat:


I'm a Brit who was born in Kenya, Africa, spent most of my life in the UK and larp as American. Also I'm Sikh and Hindu and have lived briefly in Canada and the UK before I moved here permanently later and regretfully.

Just call me Mr Worldwide I guess lol. Or identity crisis as I constantly am.
You sounds like some fast and furious character changing location due to his crimes lmao.