Who is gonna win this battle(of likes): Worst or Warchief Sanji D Goat?

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Hmm disappointed that Hawk has Mr.1 df. But I guess since he isn't zoro's opponent, Oda gave it on purpose. He is basically a weaker Mihawk + King + Mr.1 together. So Zoro will destroy him.

The tag teaming is just for fan service, stop crying zoro fans and luffy fans, jeez crying babies.
you've got a different meaning of fan service then
that makes sense. I hope the raw images changes everything for the better
Honestly the only posible bad case scenario for me would be the strawhats literally asking for help, as far as just struggling against the Seraphim I don't have many issues since the WG really needs more things in their favor considering how powerful the crew is and how many potential allies they have for the endgame, I do think they need a clear ''win'' against them if they are still meant to grow and show up more menacing later.
Luffy: "I’m now the warrior of liberation and beat Kaido."
Zoro: "I unlocked adv CoC and beat a Lunarian."
Sanji: "I got blue flames and left my inner conflict behind"

One arc later
Luffy: "hufff huff I’m tired… omg Lucci pls help me against S-Bear!!!!"
Zoro: "I beat the OG and the Seraphim is black but but… I can’t do this without you Kaku."
Sanji: "Pls let me be your dog wuff wuff"
The best manga :cheers:
They have lunarian bodies. Why would a base lunarian body be weaker than steel?
Kings base body is no different than regular flesh. It's only when he turns on his flames, that his durability spikes drastically. So what happens when a person whose base body is steel, and they turn on the flames? The durability of their steel body spikes drastically.
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