Who is gonna win this battle(of likes): Worst or Warchief Sanji D Goat?

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Feels like Oda setting up for the eventual Shanks vs BB clash over the Red Ponegpyshs and probably some other personal beef with the current BB vs Law and now Kidd vs Shanks fights. :myman:
Dear "PORTRAYAL EXPERTS" who believe that standing together next to each other means being equals in power

So I guess it's "portrayed" that Gear 4 Luffy = Three Sword Style Zoro = Hybrid Lucci = Base Kaku
Right? According to your standards, huh

Jokes aside: nowadays Kaku doesn't seem to be far from Lucci, at all
He certainly is inferior to him, but not by much, going by what was shown

It makes sense given that Kaku's potential is incredibile (fastest person to ever achieve Devil Fruit Awakening)
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