Gorosei Informer


Gorosei Informer

Welcome back from the idiot isp break
Lmao tyvm! Ironically turns out I'm the idiot because it wasn't my ISP in the end! I played myself! They sent me a new router though and sped up my internet, up to its original, intended speed too, so it's still a win anyway though LMAO!

The problem was actually faulty sockets/wiring. The people who lived here before us insisted on their own DIY plumbing and wiring in the house and its cost us THOUSANDS in repairs to undo and repair all the sheer fuckery they've done to this house, we almost most of our top floor due to wood rot caused by damp or something too! Fucky plumbing made our shower leak bigtime and soak the floorboards for the top floor, so yeah...that was "fun" too!

I blamed my ISP for nothing anyway lmao, fail!
