i’ve seen this same cycle of you saying something about Ghostly, Ghostly confronting you about it, back and forth arguing, and ending with mutual passive aggression several times now :seriously:
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‘bout tree-fidy
I was fine with them until they went off because of a casual joke I made.
And if we're being honest? They're pretty immature and have a tendency to make big posts that ultimately don't really mean much and are kind of soapy.
But I can't blame him, dude has mental issues plus a lot of bad experiences irl.
He can't really help the idiotic stuff he does so I can't feel much more than pity.
But it's alright. I don't really care, that's his problem at the end of the day :kayneshrug:
I was fine with them until they went off because of a casual joke I made.
And if we're being honest? They're pretty immature and have a tendency to make big posts that ultimately don't really mean much and are kind of soapy.
But I can't blame him, dude has mental issues plus a lot of bad experiences irl.
He can't really help the idiotic stuff he does so I can't feel much more than pity.
But it's alright. I don't really care, that's his problem at the end of the day :kayneshrug:

At some point you gotta let things go man.


❀ 𝓂𝑜𝑜𝓃 𝓅𝓇𝒾𝓃𝒸𝑒𝓈𝓈 ❀
Arrogant and narcissistic as per usual, yeah?
I know you ignored me because you are a bitch who can not take criticism, but the fact of the matter is you aren't better than the rest of us.
Who is the one that made a gigantic show to draw attention to their selves WHEN SOMEONE FUCKING KILLED THEIR SELVES?
Disgusting egotistic trash. I can't stand you no more. How DARE you speak down to ANYONE after you literally used Jmena's death as a chance to be in the limelight?
And I can't believe that I actually believed any of that. I'm truly ashamed I got fooled by a snake like you.
I pray you leave this forum. I don't care if you have autism either, what you're doing is far beyond your mental problems.
I know I'll get banned for lashing out at you. And I don't care if they censor me out, you need to learn a damn lesson for once.
Truly despicable. At a loss for words for this tomfoolery that has been going on.
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And hell, before any of you mods even try to delete that message and/or ban me, think about the fact that he made a big fuss over nothing so everyone could focus on him, after an important member had unfortunately passed.
And then came back like, a week after. Completely forgetting everything before.
So who's really in the wrong? Who really should get banned? Ask your self that.
Fine, I guess it was a bit far, after all they do seem to have some mental issues.
I shouldn't be so hard on Ghostly, they can't control some of the things they do after all, and I've made my own mistakes.
It's not fair to expect to be forgiven while I can not forgive others. I'll move on.
Well, I guess that's that.
I don't blame Ghostly.
Poor guy's got mental issues, and they snap at people easily even for small things.
Really is a shame, though, I liked them. They were a good friend and kind of like me in some areas.
But we all gotta move on.
You did great bro, don't stress over something that doesn't involve you.
I never really had many friends, I guess it's fine if the one I really thought was my friend suddenly turns on me and decides to block me out for one little joke.
I suppose I see Ghostly for who they really might be. Someone who will waste their valuable time and life trying to make sure they bring down others if they feel they've been betrayed. Even if you try your best to help them and see to it that they have mental issues and other problems, they'll snap all because of one joke.
I'm beginning to think it's not worth it trying to be the one to calm them down.
At least, if they become completely reckless, this time I won't be blamed, which was one of my main worries last time.
I'm so sorry that you're like this Ghostly. I'm sorry that you went through all the things you experienced. I wish the best for people like you.
I was fine with them until they went off because of a casual joke I made.
And if we're being honest? They're pretty immature and have a tendency to make big posts that ultimately don't really mean much and are kind of soapy.
But I can't blame him, dude has mental issues plus a lot of bad experiences irl.
He can't really help the idiotic stuff he does so I can't feel much more than pity.
But it's alright. I don't really care, that's his problem at the end of the day :kayneshrug:

yeah don’t worry i know where you stand on this, you’ve only said it 5 times
At some point you gotta let things go man.
Your obsession with Ghostly is the definition of rent-free
Yeah I'm sorry, I'm being a hypocrite aren't I?
I just fucking hate that guy. What a backstabber.
But you're right. I gotta move on, it's just a random hater on the internet after all. Nothing I haven't seen before.
Can't you guys not get in fights for one day?
You're still here?
Yeah I'm sorry, I'm being a hypocrite aren't I?
I just fucking hate that guy. What a backstabber.
But you're right. I gotta move on, it's just a random hater on the internet after all. Nothing I haven't seen before.
This type of comment does not help my guy. Just let it go. You might think you want the heat but believe me, you'll regret it later.