Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1077 Spoilers Discussion

Who is the traitor?

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And I think we should take note of the fact that everytime Zoro either fights Luffy or fights same very strong opponents with Luffy, he looks either
a)As Good as Luffy
b)Better than Luffy

Luffy has never looked better than Zoro in Zoro's presence.

That is not the case with Zoro and Sanji and Luffy and Sanji

Where Oda always goes out of his way to make Sanji look inferior to them or get out staged by them

@Agni Kaios
Luffy looked way better than zoro in multiple occasions

Last time i checked zoro didnt go toe to toe with kaido or even last that long. Nor did he pudh kaido to power up by getting drunk, nor did he split the skies.

All zoro did was leave a papercut (which had 0% effect of kaido) then he got negged by 1 thunder bagua
I'd rather Oda get the Kuma backstory and Bonney drama over with rather than chapters that feel like they don't really move the arc much. Zoro not realising till now's quite ridiculous but whatever, the Seraphim battles seem to be proceeding quite slowly. The S-Snake battle seems a bit dull from what the spoilers indicate, Usopp getting petrified seems like further indication that it's a matter of finding her cute in a non-romantic way. Regardless disappointing from him and Lilth stuff was underwhelming as well. Atleast Sanji's in the chapter.

Atleast the Shaka part has potential to be interesting but overall, chapters dedicated to Kid, Law and Garp's endeavours would be much more appreciated.
Wano's ending was Oda hitting terminus on the number of plot threads he can tie up in an arc, but he still wants to do as much stuff as possible. The great thing about having these cutaways is that the arc itself can stay much simpler while Oda is still free to draw whatever he wants.

The downside is now readers want to see anything but the actual arc each chapter
Excuse me if characters have almost zero personal growth except for strength
Lore was teased like 20 YEARS AGO and we still don't really know much
At this point remove fights and nothing remains

One Piece is great for adventure, lore, epic scenes, emotional scenes, AND fights
But after so many years I'm tired, yeah I can cum at every Shanks panel, Mihawk panel, Akainu panel and what not... but damn I want to see them in action, I want to see where do they came from and what do they truly stand for

I can't stand anymore Luffy being treated as an underdog and a complete idiot when he is ESTABLISHED as a fucking Yonko with two of the strongest powers in the series
Or Zoro having a cool dominant panel once every year and not much more, when he is a fucking "handful of the very strongest" who should surpass Dark King Rayleigh's legacy doing things not just cool poses
Let alone the rest of Straw Hats being walking cringe memes each one with their one-dimensional joke and nothing more, I'm literally starting to hate them, they are just redundant at this point
They should be a Yonko crew even more menacing than most Yonko crews, after beating one... and yet they feel as much treatening as they were in Fishman Island, no, less than that actually

Damn Lucci and Kaku don't fear Luffy and Zoro at all, how is this possible??

I can't fucking care less about Vegapunk's bodies i.e. random side character number 9450853954
Or the "very interesting and absolutely thrilling" unnecessary side plot of betrayer and what not

I'm tired of seeing Oda building up immense expectations and then quickly resolving important matters... after wasting tons of panels about Tontatta dwarves, Punk Hazard childs, people running, people doing things, Vegapunk bodies, Wano character number 5748343 and so on
This guy speaking the biggest facts
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