Bro you point out conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory while denying how Muslims are being persecuted under the Modi regime. You're just a hindu supremacist. You will lie if you think you can get away with it (like pretending I'm a Christian when you know I'm not) in order to pedal your very blatant fascist propaganda. Hindus are the majority in India, no one's coming for you dog.
1.Waqf act
2. Right to Education act
3. Halal certification for every damn product in the country
4. Hinduphobic bollywood
5. Hindumisia being normalized by corporates
6. Our places of Worship being demolished just because they are Hindu
7. Drastic decline of Hindu population in Pakistan and Bangladesh
Everything is fact. No conspiracy
And there is no persecution of Muslims under Modi. In fact Modi is reaching out to them.
In your country is the Muslim Azaan heard in loudspeakers on every street without any restrictions?
Does your government destroy your Gurukuls and give free full funding to Madrasas?
Does your Country's film industry make only your Religion the Butt of blasphemic jokes?