In this round in this thread we will have 3 Fights!
You have 3 votes!
First Fight
Iron Man
Bakugou from My Hero Academia
Second Fight
Meruem from HxH
Clementine from The Walking Dead Games
In this round in this thread we will have 3 Fights!
You have 3 votes!
First Fight
Iron Man
Bakugou from My Hero Academia
Bakugo starts as your typical jerk who bullies Deku. He had a superiority complex, fuelled by his cool quirk, and, just as 99,9% of all kids, wanted to be as awesome as All Might (although missing the point that All Might wasn't number one just because of his strength, he also had a hero personality). As the story progresses, Bakugo gets into the prestigious Hero Academy, and suddenly he's no longer the best. Other students have amazing quirks as well, moreover, Bakugo had to rely on them to save him from the League of Villains. Bakugo still resented Deku for saving him, however, somewhere at this point, he also had to assess his own strengths and weaknesses and come to an understanding that he was not the best and the strongest. He had to work hard to keep up with the rest of his class. He had to accept the bitter truth of his ways being wrong, as he got to know that All Might had chosen Deku as his successor. For me, the culmination of Bakugo's character growth is the scene where he apologises to Deku. And this character growth sticks, as from that point Bakugo, while still having his explosive personality, is someone who comes to respect Deku and other fellow students, and in his final fight, he strives to catch up to Deku, going all over against Shigaraki, not to boast as "the mightiest hero", but to keep Shigaraki busy till Deku arrives, putting all of his faith in his friend. Bakugo's character growth is one of the best-written in MHA.

Second Fight
Meruem from HxH
Even before Meruem is an actual entity, he is crafting an atmosphere in the work he will appear in; when he finally is born, the watcher/reader understands Meruem is a being of absolute, terrible strength. In fact, the brutal nature of Meruem's birth reveals the animalistic, tyrannical qualities of the king--as well as the humane nature the ants can display, as seen when they surround the dying Queen and ask Morel and Knov for help.
Meruem at first doesn't stray from this one-dimensional characterization of a ruthless tyrant that puts power above all else. He's the ultimate evil. He wants to rule the weak, and perceives strength as the only necessary pillar of his philosophy for domination. He shows respect for the strong, like his Royal Guards. He thinks the weak are below contempt, not even worth eating. At this point, Togashi does a good job of characterizing Meruem in this one-dimensional way, but Meruem isn't anything special.
The first set of subtle impetuses for change is Meruem's encounters with Komugi, the world's best Gungi player. Komugi becomes the obstacle Meruem cannot beat. Imagine thinking it is your birthright, the natural law, for you to be the strongest being in existence--only to be bested by one of the weakest creatures among you. Naturally, through each interaction and loss Meruem starts to question segments of his philosophy: I'm a king, why can't I win? Is physical power necessarily the only power? How can a mere human, someone so weak, beat an absolute being? We see intimately the inner workings of Meruem's thought process as he begins to question his purpose. Yet, there is no drastic transition just yet, only the set up of the potential for Meruem to be something better than he currently is.
When Meruem decides to kill Komugi with brute force to show his philosophy is indeed correct, he ends up saving her. This is the first moment where humanity triumphs over the animal. Komugi calls him the nicest person she has ever met. This tyrant, an animal who has brutally killed children, women and men can at the same time exhibit the quality of compassion? This is when Meruem realizes Komugi's significance is greater than that of an obstacle to him, and perhaps the moment when he starts a transition into his human nature. Note here Meruem's interactions aren't only embellishing his own character arc, but are adding to the themes in the CAA arc in fundamental ways. Throughout the palace invasion arc, we will observe conflicting ideals at work: animals exhibiting the best of human qualities, and humans exhibiting the worst of animalistic qualities. Meruem's role in HxH emphasizes the former ideal, while Gon represents the latter.
Meruem, at this point, undergoes an existential crisis. He doesn't know what he wants. He believed himself to be a tyrant who lusts for power, but now he finds himself protecting the weak, contradicting the philosophy he set up where the strong survive and the weak perish. When the palace invasion arc starts and Komugi is injured, Meruem takes his stance after many episodes of thoughtful questioning; he decides to protect Komugi, one of the weak.
However, he is not fully human at this point. In fact, one might say his original philosophy hasn't been eradicated, only modified. He still believes absolute strength exists, only that it can come in different forms. He still believes humans are capable of great evil, but a select few are capable of good. He isn't an animal anymore, but he isn't human either. Netero realizes this internal struggle, and he himself is also hesitant at first to kill someone who isn't an animal. Here, we note Togashi is not only carefully crafting the transition of Meruem from animal to man, but is also doing it in an organic way. Everything up to this point, every decision Meruem makes and every question he asks, is believable. There is no drastic jump from immoral to moral, only steady steps that might lead to morality, but can also lead to a deeper, modified sense of the original entity Meruem once was. There is always the possibility of Meruem to revert, and this compliments the intensity of the struggle of animal vs man within him.
When the fight does begin, Netero is the aggressor, and Meruem isn't. It's an ironic reversal; Netero using the Guanyin Bodhisattva, the ultimate Nen incarnation of mercy and forgiveness, to destroy someone, while Meruem is actually the real Buddha figure attempting to show mercy and understanding. This sort of reversal of roles, one in which the animal is actual the most humane and the humans are the most inhumane, comes into play once more. However, when Netero activates the Miniature Rose, this role reversal reaches a peak. There should be a sense of triumph for humanity's win when Netero destroys himself to save humanity. In fact, it almost parallels a Messianic prophecy, like Jesus dying for the sins of humanity to save humanity. Instead, I can guarantee most watchers/readers just felt a sense of regret, of pain. Netero says "Do not underestimate humanity's infinite potential for evolution". But at this point, we take it as "Do not underestimate humanity's infinite potential for destruction". Netero told Meruem his name as well, and said it means "The Light that illuminates all". This meaning itself is almost Messianic as well, and we can observe here that perhaps Meruem is the true Messiah in this situation, the real upholder of humanity's best qualities.
And here we can probably see how exactly Meruem mirrors the other most pivotal person in HxH: Gon. Gon himself has been going through his own sort of development, the intricacies of which we can discuss another time. At the start of Hunter, Gon was a simple, naive boy full of optimism. But, there was always this potential for a sort of sadism within him. He had brute power, but was naive and unaware of how much hurt it could cause. He was selfish: in his fight with Genthru, he put the plan behind testing his power. So while Gon could be seen as a bright, hopeful boy -- maybe even the epitome of humanity's greatest qualities-- there was always a potential to be something worse, as there is in all of us: humanity's potential for destruction. And that's what makes his downward spiral both organic and a counter to Meruem's upward progression.
When Gon realizes Kite has died, the moment is similar to when Meruem realizes Komugi is hurt. Yet while Meruem chooses to exhibit the best of humanity, to forgive and understand the other side, Gon descends into the darkness, becoming the animal he swore he would destroy. He feels nothing but pure hatred for Pitou, and gives up everything (his nen of course, but also his status as one who exhibits the best of humanity) to eradicate Pitou until nothing's left. The animal chooses to be human, and the human chooses to be animal; it's another ironic reversal, and it's one that compliments the CAA's own themes of showing humanity's potential to degrade itself.
Meruem does survive the bomb, but recovers without any memories. We mentioned before there was always that intense possibility of Meruem to revert, to go back to what he once was after all this time. Well, the possibility comes into fruition here. Meruem is once again a tyrant, his characterization forgotten. Humanity has failed: not just in Netero's failures, not just in Gon's descent into becoming a beast, but also in Meruem's human side losing to the animal. But at the end of the CAA, what prevails within Meruem isn't his sense of power. It isn't his feelings on the strong and the weak. What prevails is the humanity within him, the care he feels for another human being. Meruem never does beat Komugi in his life, but he does die with her.
He accepts his mortality. What's more, the CAA doesn't use Meruem to end on a despondent note of humanity being something evil. It is through humanity, or more so the qualities of humanity that lend itself to altruism and care, by which the most unforgiving, ruthless tyrant in all of HxH is saved. Without Meruem, the CAA would have been an arc founded on a simple theme of good vs evil. Yet through Meruem, we go beyond the exterior intrapersonal conflict and delve deep into the nuance of the interpersonal one, a nuanced battle where the true nature of humanity is questioned and challenged, but also praised and commended.
The transition from animal to man might not be the most profound or novel transition in fictional work. But, character development goes beyond the type of the transition a character undergoes: good development comes from how the character undergoes said transition. And I believe Meruem's example is the greatest enactment of his type of transition, and through this Meruem reaches a gold standard in character development.

Meruem at first doesn't stray from this one-dimensional characterization of a ruthless tyrant that puts power above all else. He's the ultimate evil. He wants to rule the weak, and perceives strength as the only necessary pillar of his philosophy for domination. He shows respect for the strong, like his Royal Guards. He thinks the weak are below contempt, not even worth eating. At this point, Togashi does a good job of characterizing Meruem in this one-dimensional way, but Meruem isn't anything special.

The first set of subtle impetuses for change is Meruem's encounters with Komugi, the world's best Gungi player. Komugi becomes the obstacle Meruem cannot beat. Imagine thinking it is your birthright, the natural law, for you to be the strongest being in existence--only to be bested by one of the weakest creatures among you. Naturally, through each interaction and loss Meruem starts to question segments of his philosophy: I'm a king, why can't I win? Is physical power necessarily the only power? How can a mere human, someone so weak, beat an absolute being? We see intimately the inner workings of Meruem's thought process as he begins to question his purpose. Yet, there is no drastic transition just yet, only the set up of the potential for Meruem to be something better than he currently is.

When Meruem decides to kill Komugi with brute force to show his philosophy is indeed correct, he ends up saving her. This is the first moment where humanity triumphs over the animal. Komugi calls him the nicest person she has ever met. This tyrant, an animal who has brutally killed children, women and men can at the same time exhibit the quality of compassion? This is when Meruem realizes Komugi's significance is greater than that of an obstacle to him, and perhaps the moment when he starts a transition into his human nature. Note here Meruem's interactions aren't only embellishing his own character arc, but are adding to the themes in the CAA arc in fundamental ways. Throughout the palace invasion arc, we will observe conflicting ideals at work: animals exhibiting the best of human qualities, and humans exhibiting the worst of animalistic qualities. Meruem's role in HxH emphasizes the former ideal, while Gon represents the latter.
Meruem, at this point, undergoes an existential crisis. He doesn't know what he wants. He believed himself to be a tyrant who lusts for power, but now he finds himself protecting the weak, contradicting the philosophy he set up where the strong survive and the weak perish. When the palace invasion arc starts and Komugi is injured, Meruem takes his stance after many episodes of thoughtful questioning; he decides to protect Komugi, one of the weak.

However, he is not fully human at this point. In fact, one might say his original philosophy hasn't been eradicated, only modified. He still believes absolute strength exists, only that it can come in different forms. He still believes humans are capable of great evil, but a select few are capable of good. He isn't an animal anymore, but he isn't human either. Netero realizes this internal struggle, and he himself is also hesitant at first to kill someone who isn't an animal. Here, we note Togashi is not only carefully crafting the transition of Meruem from animal to man, but is also doing it in an organic way. Everything up to this point, every decision Meruem makes and every question he asks, is believable. There is no drastic jump from immoral to moral, only steady steps that might lead to morality, but can also lead to a deeper, modified sense of the original entity Meruem once was. There is always the possibility of Meruem to revert, and this compliments the intensity of the struggle of animal vs man within him.
When the fight does begin, Netero is the aggressor, and Meruem isn't. It's an ironic reversal; Netero using the Guanyin Bodhisattva, the ultimate Nen incarnation of mercy and forgiveness, to destroy someone, while Meruem is actually the real Buddha figure attempting to show mercy and understanding. This sort of reversal of roles, one in which the animal is actual the most humane and the humans are the most inhumane, comes into play once more. However, when Netero activates the Miniature Rose, this role reversal reaches a peak. There should be a sense of triumph for humanity's win when Netero destroys himself to save humanity. In fact, it almost parallels a Messianic prophecy, like Jesus dying for the sins of humanity to save humanity. Instead, I can guarantee most watchers/readers just felt a sense of regret, of pain. Netero says "Do not underestimate humanity's infinite potential for evolution". But at this point, we take it as "Do not underestimate humanity's infinite potential for destruction". Netero told Meruem his name as well, and said it means "The Light that illuminates all". This meaning itself is almost Messianic as well, and we can observe here that perhaps Meruem is the true Messiah in this situation, the real upholder of humanity's best qualities.
And here we can probably see how exactly Meruem mirrors the other most pivotal person in HxH: Gon. Gon himself has been going through his own sort of development, the intricacies of which we can discuss another time. At the start of Hunter, Gon was a simple, naive boy full of optimism. But, there was always this potential for a sort of sadism within him. He had brute power, but was naive and unaware of how much hurt it could cause. He was selfish: in his fight with Genthru, he put the plan behind testing his power. So while Gon could be seen as a bright, hopeful boy -- maybe even the epitome of humanity's greatest qualities-- there was always a potential to be something worse, as there is in all of us: humanity's potential for destruction. And that's what makes his downward spiral both organic and a counter to Meruem's upward progression.
When Gon realizes Kite has died, the moment is similar to when Meruem realizes Komugi is hurt. Yet while Meruem chooses to exhibit the best of humanity, to forgive and understand the other side, Gon descends into the darkness, becoming the animal he swore he would destroy. He feels nothing but pure hatred for Pitou, and gives up everything (his nen of course, but also his status as one who exhibits the best of humanity) to eradicate Pitou until nothing's left. The animal chooses to be human, and the human chooses to be animal; it's another ironic reversal, and it's one that compliments the CAA's own themes of showing humanity's potential to degrade itself.
Meruem does survive the bomb, but recovers without any memories. We mentioned before there was always that intense possibility of Meruem to revert, to go back to what he once was after all this time. Well, the possibility comes into fruition here. Meruem is once again a tyrant, his characterization forgotten. Humanity has failed: not just in Netero's failures, not just in Gon's descent into becoming a beast, but also in Meruem's human side losing to the animal. But at the end of the CAA, what prevails within Meruem isn't his sense of power. It isn't his feelings on the strong and the weak. What prevails is the humanity within him, the care he feels for another human being. Meruem never does beat Komugi in his life, but he does die with her.

He accepts his mortality. What's more, the CAA doesn't use Meruem to end on a despondent note of humanity being something evil. It is through humanity, or more so the qualities of humanity that lend itself to altruism and care, by which the most unforgiving, ruthless tyrant in all of HxH is saved. Without Meruem, the CAA would have been an arc founded on a simple theme of good vs evil. Yet through Meruem, we go beyond the exterior intrapersonal conflict and delve deep into the nuance of the interpersonal one, a nuanced battle where the true nature of humanity is questioned and challenged, but also praised and commended.
The transition from animal to man might not be the most profound or novel transition in fictional work. But, character development goes beyond the type of the transition a character undergoes: good development comes from how the character undergoes said transition. And I believe Meruem's example is the greatest enactment of his type of transition, and through this Meruem reaches a gold standard in character development.
Clementine from The Walking Dead Games
TL: DR - Clementine goes from a terrifed, helpless child to raising her own adoptive baby and thus child just a few years later and becoming an extremely young mother and adult. Having to grow up extremely fast, sacrificing her childhood and even teenhood to try and survive the hellish zombie outbreak and keep her newly adopted son alive, after he lost his parents too.
She becomes much braver by far, matures extremely quickly, is a lot more selfless, grounded, assertive, responsible etc, risking her life for most of a decade to raise a child, despite being a child herself and having no guidance/skills/knowledge etc on how to raise one either.
She also listened to everything her foster father Lee taught her and became just like him, a hero, a loving, caring parent who burdens immense responsibilities, risks/dangers and such to keep a child safe, healthy, well etc just like Lee did for her.
Clementine started out as a very young girl, seperated by her parents who left her with a babysitter at homeas they went on holiday. One zombie outbreak later, her babysitter is dead and reanimated as a walker, with Clementine hiding her in treehouse, completely helpless, unable to leave with her babysitter's walker and other walkers plentifully around the area too.
Come in Lee Everett to the rescue and he saves Clem from the babysitter from Hell. Lee ends up adopting Clem as his hononary daughter, in a mission to get them through the zombie outbreak and find her parents in Savannah I think it was. Lee plays a major father figure to her, always putting her first, putting her safety and well-being before her and installing some virtues and advice for her in life, both general life advice and essential survival tips too, especially with the given apocalyptic circumstances too.
Over the 4 seasons of the game, we follow Clem as she has to (MAJOR SPOILERS) choose to kill Lee or let him turn into a walker, after he gets bitten much earlier in a vain attempt to try and find her, after she gets lured by a stalker psychopath, who has been wanting revenge for personal reasons. It's a long story. This is one of the defining moments for Clem's character. Lee never wanted her to ever need to hold and especially shoot a gun, to ever have to resort to taking a life, but ironically the first life she may need to take is a mercy kill on her dying, new-found adoptive father figure, who has risked everything and put himself through HELL to keep her safe and thus alive. It's absolutely heartbreaking and it ends up teaching Clem how cruel reality can be and how life is full of unfair, difficult and impossible to choose but still absolutely necessary/unavoidable choices too.
By the end of Season 2, after having been left on her own after losing some other people who adopted her and Lee oo, she has had to learn to become self sufficient/reliant and survive, whilst still only being a child and a few years older than before. The worst is yet to come though unfortunately. A group she mixes with for this season ends up all slaughtered ultimately as typical Walking Dead storylines and she is left a sole survivor (although you can end up (Major Season 1 spoiler) with Kenny or Jane surviving and carrying on with you, looking after you too instead. They both end up fucking dead at the start of the next season though, just immediately killed though, so LMFAO, 10/10 writing!
Anyway, by the end of Season 2 as well, Clem has had to adopt an infant boy without choice, as his parents both get killed off, with the mother slowly succumbing to death by the cold/exhaustion and whatever else, not long after giving birth and she ends up turning into a walker and nearly eats/kills her newborn son too. Clem takes him onboard immediately with herself and despite only being 11 or whatever, has to raise a freaking baby by herself, with no training/advice on how to do it either. She can get certain people to help her as per my spoilers above but even then, it doesn't last long.
By Season 3, she ended up losing AJ as she gets involved with some new major factions and they take AJ off her as they deem her incapable/unfit of raising her (they tried ot make her look crazy/dangerous IIRC) and part of the storyline of Season 3 is trying to get him back from them, Clem's solo crusade to rescue her new adoptive son, the same way Lee adopted her before.
Flash forward to Season 4 or The Final Season and Clem is now 18 or so I believe. She is a young adult who has survived a decade in the zombie apocalypse, mostly by herself and with an infant who is now around her age when the outbreak started and she has become the new Lee, the surrogate parent to another child.
The reason I nominate Clem for this is because she grows from this naturally terrified, helpless child to having some real backbone, to becoming assertive, a mother figure when shes not even past childhood herself and thus bearing extreme responsibility not only for her own life but also an even more vulnerable, helpless and thus younger life than her own. She had to grow up extremely fast, missing out on the rest of her childhood and teenhood to become a figurative parental figure and survive through a modern day apocalypse, constantly not being able to trust others, even a dog she "befriended" one time who tried to kill her suddenly, losing a lot of people she loved including finding her parents dead and turned into walkers by the end of Season 1 and then having to mercy kill Lee or let him turn into a walker and damn him to a fate worse than death too.
Clem really learns to become brave, responsible, caring, selfless, putting herself in harms way to protect AJ and even sacrificing a leg to try to save her own life and keep herself alive so she can still watch over and protect AJ and not abandon the last remaining person he has known from birth and last connection to his now long dead parents too. Lee also loses his arm potentially depending on your choices in Season 1 depending on what you do, but in his case it ends up being too late even if you do remove it, as it happened too late after he was bitten, but Clem immediately decides to cut her leg off after seeing what happened to Lee and not chancing waiting to turn inevitably later anyway.
She also listened to everything her foster father Lee taught her and became just like him, a hero, a loving, caring parent who burdens immense responsibilities, risks/dangers and such to keep a child safe, healthy, well etc just like Lee did for her.

Clementine started out as a very young girl, seperated by her parents who left her with a babysitter at homeas they went on holiday. One zombie outbreak later, her babysitter is dead and reanimated as a walker, with Clementine hiding her in treehouse, completely helpless, unable to leave with her babysitter's walker and other walkers plentifully around the area too.
Come in Lee Everett to the rescue and he saves Clem from the babysitter from Hell. Lee ends up adopting Clem as his hononary daughter, in a mission to get them through the zombie outbreak and find her parents in Savannah I think it was. Lee plays a major father figure to her, always putting her first, putting her safety and well-being before her and installing some virtues and advice for her in life, both general life advice and essential survival tips too, especially with the given apocalyptic circumstances too.
Over the 4 seasons of the game, we follow Clem as she has to (MAJOR SPOILERS) choose to kill Lee or let him turn into a walker, after he gets bitten much earlier in a vain attempt to try and find her, after she gets lured by a stalker psychopath, who has been wanting revenge for personal reasons. It's a long story. This is one of the defining moments for Clem's character. Lee never wanted her to ever need to hold and especially shoot a gun, to ever have to resort to taking a life, but ironically the first life she may need to take is a mercy kill on her dying, new-found adoptive father figure, who has risked everything and put himself through HELL to keep her safe and thus alive. It's absolutely heartbreaking and it ends up teaching Clem how cruel reality can be and how life is full of unfair, difficult and impossible to choose but still absolutely necessary/unavoidable choices too.
By the end of Season 2, after having been left on her own after losing some other people who adopted her and Lee oo, she has had to learn to become self sufficient/reliant and survive, whilst still only being a child and a few years older than before. The worst is yet to come though unfortunately. A group she mixes with for this season ends up all slaughtered ultimately as typical Walking Dead storylines and she is left a sole survivor (although you can end up (Major Season 1 spoiler) with Kenny or Jane surviving and carrying on with you, looking after you too instead. They both end up fucking dead at the start of the next season though, just immediately killed though, so LMFAO, 10/10 writing!
Anyway, by the end of Season 2 as well, Clem has had to adopt an infant boy without choice, as his parents both get killed off, with the mother slowly succumbing to death by the cold/exhaustion and whatever else, not long after giving birth and she ends up turning into a walker and nearly eats/kills her newborn son too. Clem takes him onboard immediately with herself and despite only being 11 or whatever, has to raise a freaking baby by herself, with no training/advice on how to do it either. She can get certain people to help her as per my spoilers above but even then, it doesn't last long.
By Season 3, she ended up losing AJ as she gets involved with some new major factions and they take AJ off her as they deem her incapable/unfit of raising her (they tried ot make her look crazy/dangerous IIRC) and part of the storyline of Season 3 is trying to get him back from them, Clem's solo crusade to rescue her new adoptive son, the same way Lee adopted her before.
Flash forward to Season 4 or The Final Season and Clem is now 18 or so I believe. She is a young adult who has survived a decade in the zombie apocalypse, mostly by herself and with an infant who is now around her age when the outbreak started and she has become the new Lee, the surrogate parent to another child.
The reason I nominate Clem for this is because she grows from this naturally terrified, helpless child to having some real backbone, to becoming assertive, a mother figure when shes not even past childhood herself and thus bearing extreme responsibility not only for her own life but also an even more vulnerable, helpless and thus younger life than her own. She had to grow up extremely fast, missing out on the rest of her childhood and teenhood to become a figurative parental figure and survive through a modern day apocalypse, constantly not being able to trust others, even a dog she "befriended" one time who tried to kill her suddenly, losing a lot of people she loved including finding her parents dead and turned into walkers by the end of Season 1 and then having to mercy kill Lee or let him turn into a walker and damn him to a fate worse than death too.
Clem really learns to become brave, responsible, caring, selfless, putting herself in harms way to protect AJ and even sacrificing a leg to try to save her own life and keep herself alive so she can still watch over and protect AJ and not abandon the last remaining person he has known from birth and last connection to his now long dead parents too. Lee also loses his arm potentially depending on your choices in Season 1 depending on what you do, but in his case it ends up being too late even if you do remove it, as it happened too late after he was bitten, but Clem immediately decides to cut her leg off after seeing what happened to Lee and not chancing waiting to turn inevitably later anyway.
Third Fight
Prince Zuko
-Shrek is a lonely ogre who likes to be alone, but later we discover that he hates being alone and being judged by others, until on a mission to recover his swamp, Shrek ends up meeting his best friend and the love of his life, ends up forming theirs and living happily ever after.(for 4 films in a row)
@Adam 🍎 @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Arondight @Artorias @ArturCantSpeakJapanese @AverageNamiEnjoyer @Awayeah @B Rabbit @BaboonMihawk @BakiDou @balajiram99 @Balen @Baluzi @BangOO🍅 @BarbosaXIII @Beerbottle @bennbeckman @Bepo @Bil02 @Blackbeard [ @Cherry Hilk @Chessaddict @Chrono @Cinera @CoC: Color of Clowns @comrade @ConquistadoR @Courier @Cream filled donut7 @Cross_Marian @Crush @Cruxroux @Cutty Jewboy @Cyrus the Cactus @D.Querna @Da evil Who @Daikenki @Dark Admiral @Dark Hound @DarkestKnightofSpoilers @DarkWitch @Date @Debanv @Den_Den_Mushi @Desolate Smaug @Dettles @dirtyLarry @dizzy2341 @djiayebee @DKI @Doggo @Don DaSlayer @Don Diego @Don't Mind Me @DonWick @Draco @Dr_Professor83 @duckman @Ekkologix @Electricmastro @Enma @EtenBoby @Eustass @Franosuke @FaradaySloth @Fleet Admiral Lee Hung @Fleet Leader Fenaker @FloriGlori @Flower @Flynn @Fn Lucci @Fuckthis3 @Fujishiro @gamaran @Gambit @Ganja userr @garciajulieen @Garp the Fist @Garps tekkai @GeneralP123 @Gensui Sazid @Geo @God Buggy @God_Aizen @Gol D. Roger @Gon’s Missing Arm @GrandmasterChef Zonji @Greenbeard @H3llion @HA001 OF THE RAIN @Hades @HAJI @Halyup @Hanners220 @Hanzo hattori @Hedfi @Herasux @Hereforthesalt @HeroesNZ @Hiragaro @hlo69300 @Hurley Pirates @Iaarm @Ice devil slayer @IceWitch @Ichiro Miyata @ImmaIvanoM @Irregular @Ishin @Jackteo @Jaguark101 @Jailer @januarysdaughter @JazzMazz @Jiihad @JJtheman @Johnny B. Decent @Julius @Just a member @JyThony @K!NG HARA$H!MA @Kagurashii @Kai. Do @KaiHiei @Kejon @kenedyfake @KenshiraSonata @Kenshiro11 @Kerkovian @Kiiro @Kiku @Killer#777 @King4nakama @King7 @KINGKONGGUN15 @Kiwipom @kom5 @KonyaruIchi @Koro @kratosś @krogothwolf @Kromage911 @Krusher1357 @Kucing Pencuri @kumae @Kuro Ashi @Kurozumi D. Trussop @Kurozumi mugiwara44 @Kurozumi Seven7 @Kurozumi Wiwi @Kurozumi Giggio @kurwa @Kyou @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @Law-sama @LayerZ @Lifeismeh @Light D Lamperouge @Lindltaylor @Lion of Olympus @Lizzy @LolonoisZolo @Longleg Larry @Lor D. Coast @Lord_Braggy @Luffy is the mc @m0nst3Rx USER=368]@mad monk[/USER] @Maggi @Malick the last Light @MangoSenpai @Marimo_420 @MarineHQ @Markorus @Mashiro Blue @MasterD @matt245 @Meeyori @Melvin @Midnight Delight @Mighty Action X @milluki @Milou @Missy @mly90 @mmd @Momoheechulkabe9000 @Monarch @Monkey D Theories @MonsterZoro @Mr. Anderson @Mr. Reloaded @mrtsrdr @mugiwalaw @NAMELESS @Nana @Natalija @Necrohol @Nekomamushi @Nibel @Nidai_Kitetsu @nik87 @NikaInParis @NotRanga @NotTommy @nRandle @Oblivion @OnePieceFanGirl @OnePiss @Parker @park_min young @Patryipe @PaulOO @Peenix @Peppercore @Peroroncino @pg13 @Playa4321 @Plex @PuckTheGreat @QQH @qwe @R A I T E I I I @Raiden7 @Ravagerblade @RayanOO @Reborn @Reddot4 @Redhair Le Fishe @ReggieZoldyck21 @Rej @Rivaille @Rottkins @Rukusho @Sade @SakazOuki @Sakazuki-Singh @Sallucion @SDfear @Senfret @Sentinel @Seth @ShadyOjiro @Shanks @SHIHI @ShinichiMugi @ShishioIsBack @Shishi @sidestreetboy @silverfire @Sir Yasheen @SmokedOut @spawn @Thabeast @The White Crane @TheAncientCenturion @TheKnightOfTheSea @thodoris5321 @Tobra @Toph @Topi Jerami @Weeman @Welkin @Yelan @yj @Yo Tan Wa @yorosenpai @Yoru @ZenZu @Zolo @Zoroe @zorojurou @ZoroSlaysDragonTuna @zzShinichi @FloriGlori @Leo @DizzyBrows @uyuu @Ravagerblade @Topi Jerami @Akai2 @EtenBoby @PirateKingDrew @Marimo_420 @Seth @Kucing Pencuri @Dark Hound @Arara @Yukihime @Zoro @zorojurou @Luffy bin Dragon @Senfret @sidestreetboy @PerfectHie @Don DaSlayer @RobertoTheOharaSurvivor @Nibel @Yelan @ConquistadoR @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @SHIHI @Yo Tan Wa @Robin swan @Jorden625 @Monkey D Theories @The White Crane @U c 4 up da idly @Astolfo @MUUGEN @Lax @Queek Hea D Taker @Alpha @ShimonoaZoro971 @mugiwalaw @Konstantis @gamaran @Blackknife @zorojurou @Real94 @Kiwipom @sidestreetboy @hayze moya @djiayebee @Wh1p @Dr_Professor83 @DoctorIndigo @Gladwing0 @Alpha @Adam-san @MonochromeYoru @Zoroe @TheKnightOfTheSea @Shadowlord123 @Seth @Butters @Dark Admiral @notAfanboy @Rottkins @PaulOO @NikaInParis @BangOO🍅 @NAMELESS @Lhulu @TheAncientCenturion @Natalija @RayanOO @Marimo_420 @Lindltaylor @GrandmasterChef Zonji @Jaguark101 @Luffy is the mc @imacub @mly90 @Koinboin @SHIHI @Kromage911 @hedera__helix @Missy @AL sama @I'mTired @Gol D. Roger @Fujishiro @Udell @NotTommy @Usopp Haoshoku Haki @KINGKONGGUN15 @Doggo @Haoshoku @Ekkologix @Fujishiro @SHIHI @SmokedOut @ConquistadoR @Ekkologix @Zara @Vonal ] @SmokedOut @h_zorothegoat @Adam 🍎 @Sasparan @Queek Hea D Taker @Fugikage Zoro @Fujishiro @Underworld Broker @Liquidhate @matt245 @Zara @Black_Leg_Wanji @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @Kagurashii @Yelan @Fujishiro @Rottkins @Law @Sasparan @BornInAbyss @Nibel @Cross_Marian @MonochromeYoru @park_min young @LANJI CUCKSMOKE @wordy @Tobra @Kurozumi Seven7 @Emmazrine @CarrotForNakama @Yelan @Cross_Marian @Meeyori @Rottkins @OnePiss @RayanOO @Doggo @Fujishiro @BornInAbyss @AL sama @Marimo_420 @Kagurashii @Jaguark101 @Lindltaylor @Nibel @AverageNamiEnjoyer @Don Diego @park_min young @Hanners220 @SmokedOut @Udell @ConquistadoR @Rémi @NikaInParis @BornInAbyss @Don Diego @MonochromeYoru @Jaguark101 @Kagurashii @AverageNamiEnjoyer@GrandmasterChef Zonji @Shimotsuki Ghostly @AverageNamiEnjoyer @Cross_Marian @Yelan @Nibel @MonochromeYoru Clowns[/USER] @Jaguark101 @KINGKONGGUN15 @wordy @Nibel @Tobra @Vonal @ShiShiShi @Gehrman @Vanellope Lhea @MonochromeYoru @Udell @GrandmasterChef Zonji @Kurozumi Seven7 @Mashiro Blue @Warchief Sanji D Goat @Monarch @Natalija @Flower @Lindltaylor @Junatic @Lhulu @Dr_Professor83 @Maschenny @Nibel