Questions & Mysteries Who was a better villain. Doflamingo or Kaido

Best one piece villain?

  • Donflamigo

  • Kaido

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Survivors Guilt
It’s Doflamingo, legitimately without any doubt or question. Kaidou is a brute who got mad he wasn’t JoyBoy and became a dictator more or less

Doflamingo is Odas greatest creation to this point S far as a character is concerned. At this point only BlackBeard or Mihawk have a chance to surpass Doffy and that’s slim…..
It’s Doflamingo, legitimately without any doubt or question. Kaidou is a brute who got mad he wasn’t JoyBoy and became a dictator more or less

Doflamingo is Odas greatest creation to this point S far as a character is concerned. At this point only BlackBeard or Mihawk have a chance to surpass Doffy and that’s slim…..
I wouldn't go that far
But he is a good villain
It’s Doflamingo, legitimately without any doubt or question. Kaidou is a brute who got mad he wasn’t JoyBoy and became a dictator more or less

Doflamingo is Odas greatest creation to this point S far as a character is concerned. At this point only BlackBeard or Mihawk have a chance to surpass Doffy and that’s slim…..
Croc >> Doffy, but Doffy is definitely above the other villains
Kaido will probably go down as a better villain once we get more of his backstory...... Honestly even without the backstory , I Just felt more of a villainous nature from Kaido then Doffy personally.

Do you remember that panel from Fraudo's flashback where Big Meme asks "Kaido,where did you go?"?
If a flashback of God Valley happens,it will probably pay off that panel and just show Fraudo realizing the crew would lose and fleeing.
It's past time to accept that Doflamingo remains unsurpassed as Shit Piece's best villain,and that Fraudo is not that guy.
@EmperorKinyagi @Shiroyru @The White Crane @TheKnightOfTheSea @Fleet Leader Fenaker @kumae
@Blazing Lion @Nidai_Kitetsu @ZenZu @SakazOuki @gz89 @Alpha @grey matter @Kurozumi Wiwi
@Sir Yasheen @BlackLegFring
Do you remember that panel from Fraudo's flashback where Big Meme asks "Kaido,where did you go?"?
If a flashback of God Valley happens,it will probably pay off that panel and just show Fraudo realizing the crew would lose and fleeing.
It's past time to accept that Doflamingo remains unsurpassed as Shit Piece's best villain,and that Fraudo is not that guy.
@EmperorKinyagi @Shiroyru @The White Crane @TheKnightOfTheSea @Fleet Leader Fenaker @kumae
@Blazing Lion @Nidai_Kitetsu @ZenZu @SakazOuki @gz89 @Alpha @grey matter @Kurozumi Wiwi
@Sir Yasheen @BlackLegFring
Saying "Kaido is a good villain" alone is already dishonest. Comparing that magma fuel to Doffy is outright an insult toward Doffy. :myman: