General & Others King Vs Zoro sucked: Morj Breakdsdown how dumb this fight was

Zoro in this chapter very clearly said it mattered. In fact Zoro believes even the combined power of himself, Luffy, Lucci and Kaku aren’t enough if the flames are on

And Shaka is listening to Zoro say this, Shaka, the smartest man in the world is listening to Zoro say the flames matter… And he’s not correcting Zoro
All wrong, Zoro said that King was almost invincible, almost.
And Shaka doesn't know shit, he was there and didn't say anything? Because he doesn't know anything. He just stood there watching them waste their stamina on a flame on Seraphim.
At 34:00

Morj is just realising something I’ve been telling everyone. The King fight was poorly written. Both because

1. King shouldn’t have ever removed his invincibility since his speed boosts did not actually help him fight Zoro any better as they had the same even clashes both with and without the flames

2. The fight was structured poorly because Oda wasted most of the panel time on Zoro learning CoC yet CoC isn’t what won the fight, the fight was won by Zoro learning when the invincibility was removed. His CoC barely mattered

Morj breaks it down at 30:15 that most of the fight was about CoC, and yet the actual winning play, The flame off/on shit was discovered by Zoro OFFSCREEN

This is like if the entire Zoro vs Daz bones fight was focused on Zoro improving his speed. Like we get an entire flashback of Zoro training his speed and reaction time. And then offscreen we learn that “Actually all you need to beat Daz bones is Haki and Zoro discovered he has haki OFFSCREEN” and then Zoro beats Daz with Haki he obtained offscreen.
This whole argument is invalid if u believe in the freaking panel that Oda provided king was scared of zoro with adv coc he started blocking and dodging with flame on king, flame on king was scared af of zoro to the point of flying backwards as fast as he could to not get sliced up
Maybe I’m missing something ,but if u do believe that flame on king didn’t want zoro to touch him and was scared and that adv coc was the difference maker once zoro unlocked it king saw the threat he was to him regardless of his abilities where did Oda handle the whole thing poorly ???
Wouldn't King being afraid of what Zoro could do, be all the more reason for him to not turn off his Lunarian defense?

And it's not even like he turned it off in favor of a speed based attack. He turned it off in favor of using an attack for Zoro to meet head on, using the same strength King is supposed to be afraid of.

So why would King, whose scared of Zoros strength , purposely try to match it?

Do you not see where this gets pretty choppy?

Scarred or not, he was doing just fine with his defenses up. Purposely turning off his defense, to meet the strength he's scarred of, makes no sense.

King: "Your strength is scary, I should turn off my defense, and try to overpower it."
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All Oda had to do was make flameless mode more of a requirement and it would have made more sense as to why King never kept his flames on at all times.

Or as per almost everything in One Piece thats related to power scaling and fights Oda leaves it up to speculation....He simple refuses to breakdown abilities.

"King shouldn’t have ever removed his invincibility"


Are people just gonna ignore the fact that King got scared of tanking KOH attacks so he went speed mode to create distance from Zoro?

If King didn't use speed mode on the last sequence he won't be able to get away since he was getting caught even with flames off.

King's huge mistake was thinking Zoro doesn't have a long ass range attack that can pierce thru not only his flame dragon attack but also cut his sword and wing.
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"King shouldn’t have ever removed his invincibility"


Are people just gonna ignore the fact that King got scared of tanking KOH attacks so he went speed mode to create distance from Zoro?

If King didn't use speed mode on the last sequence he won't be able to get away since he was getting caught even with flames on.

King's huge mistake was thinking Zoro doesn't have a long ass range attack that can pierce thru not only his flame dragon attack but also cut his sword and wing.
Almost invincible.

that literaly sum up the lunarian defense.

coc can get pass it but Oda dont want them to use it so they are relying on the most easier way to overcome luarian defense.
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Kizaru will be the next to be downplayed in 2 month max after zoro ut him without a named attack in coc.
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I mean one thing is to downplay king another is to blatently lie on Oda's writing when he perfectly explained lunarian defense.

there are likely other way to break it too beside coc but only a top tier ability can.
The fight was poorly written. Very cool, yes, but poorly written. Zoro learning King's trick meant nothing in the end. The grand result of Zoro learning the trick was Bird Dance.

After that, Zoro realises that King is scared of him even with his flames on and doesn't mention or acknowledge King's powers at all during the final attack.

The reason King retreated in speed mode and resorted to long-ranged combat out of fear had absolutely nothing to do with Zoro figuring out King's trick and everything to do with Zoro's heightened AP due to CoC.

The fact that King didn't bother to put his flames on vs Dragon Damnation tells me that he's either retarded, he was caught off-guard or he thought it wouldn't make a difference. But none of this has anything to do with Zoro figuring out his trick at all, so in the end, it was completely pointless.

Maybe rooftop Zoro could've won had he known the trick, but it didn't mean a thing to KOH Zoro. Luffy and Zoro are saving their stamina so aren't using ACoC yet, meaning they need to rely on the trick to defeat the Seraphims here. And from a writer's perspective, I doubt Oda wants Zoro to go all-out and maim children - look what he did to King. They'll win using the least amount of strength possible.
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